

marlas_the_magicianmarlas_the_magician 2.0 PRO Posts: 2
edited December 2018 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
Hey everyone! I've been singing since the 3rd grade (I'm 30 now), but I've never had vocal coaching. I've been in choirs most of the time, and I jam out hard in the car and karaoke bars.

My favorite genre is rock, so my overall goal to be able to really rock out and sing my favorite songs. Right now, I've kind of got this choir boy voice that can sound pleasant in songs, but doesn't have that rock sound. I'd also like to not sound like a prepubescent boy every time I switch between chest and head voice!

Really looking forward to growing my voice with all of you!

edit: I had posted a sample of me doing scales for some critiques but I'm moving them to the students only section.


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