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what is concidered full voice? Will it help figure out if im straining my voice?

I just figured out I guess IM A BASS can hit e2 easily c2 sometimes... i sing mainly tenor songs.. lionel richie, bryan adams, beth by kiss, looking to migrate rock with higher notes. since i been singing higher all the time i dont really notice the strain during singing. unless i really reach for the high notes.
still on schedule to get the course this weekend looking for tips on getting the most out of the course without killing myself when get get started. in search of the big high notes... Steve Perry is kicking my Arse!


  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    edited August 2013
    Axl Rose for example could sing 1st octave notes, doesn't necessarily mean he was a bass as far as I know (I think he was a baritone kinda dude) . Just means you have a well developed technique to get down there.

    Full voice is just a connected voice throughout the registers as opposed to a sharp disconnected modal to falsetto switch.
  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    oh i thought it was about loudness of sound... like without warm up
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited August 2013


    Full voice is a term used most often to describe what is more commonly referred to as "Chest Voice".

    Chest voice is the voice you speak from, which continues upwards until you reach your vocal break, or passagio.  Above the passagio (Secondo Passagio) is your head voice, which some mistakenly refer to as "falsetto".  Falsetto IS a vocal fach above chest voice, but KTVA teaches the use of Timbral Head Voice, which more closely matches the tone of chest voice, unlike the airy sound of falsetto.

    So when someone asks you to sing something in "full voice", don't sing it in falsetto OR head voice.

    Ragnar is referring to the "One Voice" concept of your voice being one continuous voice from the lowest notes to the highest notes.  You could think of this as the "full" voice, but most references to full voice mean chest voice.

    Your voice should tell you if you are straining your voice.  If you feel discomfort, you are straining.  If your tone is breaking up, you are probably straining again.  If all of the veins in your neck, throat, and head are throbbing and standing out and your eyeballs are popping out of their sockets, you are probably straining.

    Relax.  Take your time.  You have plenty of time to figure this out, one issue at a time. 

    There is much to learn, and it will take time to assimilate it all and implement it consistently. 

    You will get there, step-by-step.




  • SteveKSteveK Pro Posts: 556
    Thanx for the indepth explaination.. chest voice was actually the next question. it almost seams theres 2 sets of vocal folds.. like head voice feels like an inch above chest. i focus then on chest range and practice not letting it flip to head.

    soon as i get enrolled ill post some sample vocals. for some feed back thx.
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