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Hello Singing voice and Speaking voice difference?

dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
My post got deleted for some reason
How does one develop their own singing voice?
I know that there are some differences. While of course maintaining the originality of your own voice.
Whether its minor or major does your singing voice develop naturally?

For example: His speaking voice during the intro and while singing is similar but not the same

When he sings in this video. It's actually quite different from how he speaks.


  • jnaabjnaab Pro Posts: 28
    You seem to be asking two questions. 1) How do you develop your singing voice?, 2) Is your singing voice supposed to sound like your speaking voice?

    Question 2 first: We speak in our speaking or chest voice, which is very limited in range, no more than an octave. We sing both within the range that we speak plus well above it. There's no reason for them to sound the same or to want them to sound the same. If you want to sing, you work to develop your singing voice such that you use proper technique and expression and in the end you will reveal what is your natural singing voice. Your speaking voice will likely slightly change as your rid yourself of bad habits during your vocal training. Otherwise, I see no reason to try to compare them.

    As for question 1: The answer in these parts is to enroll in the KTVA program and follow it with great dedication. It it doesn't work for you, find another method that does. Work hard. Be in it for the long haul.
  • Well for me - 1) I dont speak with totally open throat 2) I dont use support mechanism when speaking.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Chester has an interesting voice.  Light and thin, but adducted cords.  Placement is very important to this sound, with ample support to protect the thinned voice.

    I can see why you're a big fan of his.



  • dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
    Thank you for the replies!
    He has an amazing voice!
    What do you mean by placement ? Sorry for the beginner intellect.
    I will post a video of myself singing a part of "say something". It will be awesome if you guys can help me where I can learn where my voice should be when singing it. I feel as if my tone is too "light and high" instead of more darker and powerful.
    Is it mostly through developing the voice through the exercises ?
  • jnaabjnaab Pro Posts: 28
    I will address the question about "light and high" versus "dark and powerful". I have a great deal to say on placement, but will leave that to others for now.

    Though we can all benefit from training and developing proper technique, the tone and timbre of our voice is in great part anatomically determined. We do all we can to sing the best we possibly can with what we're given, and ultimately we have to accept our "sound" as what it is and then sing songs that go best with our voice.

    Opera has a 400 year history so we can look to it for examples. And opera was the rock and roll of it's day. It's been know all that time that some voices are lighter, more agile and more lyrical than others. Some are dark and heavy and extremely powerful. This applies to each voice type, bass, baritone and tenor. That is why they created the sub-types of "lyric" and "dramatic" tenor (or baritone or bass). There is an in-between type called "spinto", which shares characteristics of both. A person will be one of these and no amount of training will turn them into the other. Certainly, a lyric tenor can sing with intensity and develop some power and darkness, though it will still be within the confines of their lyrical anatomy.

    I'm going through something similar, though possibly the opposite as you. My voice is dramatic and heavy and powerful and it's an absolute bitch to sing light and soft and lyrical, yet I would love to sing this way sometimes. Right now I've decided to accept my voice and develop it along the lines of what I was given anatomically. I now choose songs best sung with my voice type. Yet I will still gradually develop some version of soft and light, knowing it will always be within the context of what I was given to work with.

    So I'd offer this,- develop your strength first to it's fullest. If it's light and lyrical then go with that. You'll likely find that you're going to naturally add more power. Then, later, experiment with some things that might add other tonal qualities that are harder to come by for your voice type.
  • dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
    Thanks for the input!
    I noticed that even with what was said. That all the singers I listen to that cover "say something" can keep their tone consistent. Whether it's a naturally higher tone or a lower tone. They keep it high or they keep it low.
    Example: his tonal quality is the same from the soft lower pitch parts to the higher notes. Is that just placement? And what exactly is placement?
  • dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2014
    Hey guys! so before I get into it, I just started Vol. 1 about 1 week ago.
    I have seen some improvements and a dramatic decrease of strain in my throat!
    What my problem and issue is that I dislike my voice and how do I make the higher parts stronger? As in a more chesty sound.

    I want to be powerful as these singing the same song:

    Here then there's me... : * NOTE : I know there was a very bad pitch and tone error near the end, I didn't want to be too loud and I ended up making a mistake lol

    Cover from a LONG time ago

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited January 2014

    Hey, @dk_

    Thanks for posting the videos.  They contain a lot of information, both sound and sight.

    Going back to your beginning post here, it's interesting to hear your voice after listening to Chester See and watching him.  Knowing that he is someone whose talent you admire helps to interpret where you would like to go with your own voice.

    I like the overall sound and tone of your voice.  On Say Something, you do a pretty good job on the verses.  It's easy to see that you're singing from your heart, and that goes a long way in my book.

    On the choruses, you're having trouble with the F#4, the high note.  The chorus depends on that note, but you aren't yet able to support that note.  You go on into head voice for the G4, A4 part.

    You are drifting on your pitch at times.  I've already said you have a good-sounding voice.  You do, however need to improve the accuracy of your pitch.  That's absolutely imperative if you are serious about making this happen for you. 

    I think you need to be doing workouts so that the F#, G, A all fall more into your comfort zone.  Work on those specific notes.  Do them easy, don't strain.  Work on being comfortable with them, so you can sing them lightly or more strongly, depending on the song.

    Ken Tamplin has a program called Basic Pitch that is a tutorial for students who are having problems with pitch accuracy.  It is provided to students who have purchased as little as only Volume One. 

    You have vocal abilities and a good tone.  You need to get a handle on your support and your pitch.  They go hand-in-hand.

    Good Singing To You, dk_  !


  • dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
    edited January 2014
    Thank you for the help!

    Which part exactly is f#4 and G4,A4?
    Sorry I am horrible with notes and hearing being that I didn't study them for a year.
    is F#4 = Say something I'm giving up on you" ? also is that whole phrase sustaining one note?
    I have been trying to stay on pitch but by listening to other singers covering it such as chester, I find it hard to find out whether hes staying on the note
    or going higher/lower because of his dark tone.

    Also for the workouts on VOL 1,
    Is it normal that the scales are little difficult at first? I find it hard to stay on pitch with the scales sometimes and keep that bright timbre tone when going higher
    and what workout do you recommend that I can SPECIFICALLY work out those notes? Do you mean just do the audio warm ups but concentrate on those higher notes?

    Thank you so much for the time and detailed help! It is giving me hope LOL!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    You can find virtual pianos on the internet or download a piano app on a smartphone.

    With that you could identify the notes in a song or easily hear what notes are in a scale.

    On the chorus of Say Something the part that goes

    Say Something I'm Giving up on you

    F#   E       E       E    E  F#  E   D   D


    You're not making it up to a solid F#.  Once you're off track, the tendency is to remain off track.

    It would be a good idea to just work on that chorus, and get comfortable nailing that F# in a relaxed, solid way.

    Keep working Ken's workouts.  They will get easier for you with time. 

    You should go through Ken's Basic Pitch program. It will teach you some things you need to know about hearing and matching pitches.  It will be helpful to you.




  • dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
    Got it! So correct me if I am wrong,
    That same verse in the beginning is that same notes but an octave lower?

    Thanks Bob
  • dk_dk_ Member Posts: 32
    Hey guys I am back!

    quick question for reassurance,
    correct me if I am wrong but is he singing mostly in his mask( the low notes and high notes) to balance out the pitch and tone? also the style of his voice is it just glottal compression?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    He has good cord closure.  He uses a little fry on some of his onsets for a stylistic effect.

    Conversely, he sometimes uses an airy approach for the softer passages.

    When he goes high and loud he compresses.  He uses mask here and there.

    His style employs a lot of dynamics from soft to loud, and intimate to blasting.



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