Overdrive - Am I doing it correctly?

Hello! I want to show you some demos of mine, I'll be pleased for getting any opinions. I begin with some info about me - I'm learning to sing for about nine months I have a lot of discontinuity. Since I started a band with my friends few weeks ago I practice really regularly - at least hour or two daily. I love a lot of music genres an I would want to have a possibility to sing a lot of various styles. I learn using mostly Ken's videos and practically because I can't afford buying course. Today I wanna ask you about two of mine demos in which I do some overdrive. What do you think about it?
-Black Sabbath - Paranoid
-Nirvana - Smells Like a Teen Spirit


  • SinaSina 2.0 PRO Posts: 67

    I listened to your recordings .. get yourself a course, because if you continue this way, you will lose your voice! :'(
  • ElGrecoElGreco Member Posts: 15
    Sina said:

    I listened to your recordings .. get yourself a course, because if you continue this way, you will lose your voice! :'(

    Why? I can easily go from dostortion to clear, powerful sound and I don't feel pain after singing. I have been doing that badly some time ago and it has sometimes been painful then but now it's comfortable and I don't involve throat into overdriving sound.
  • SinaSina 2.0 PRO Posts: 67

    Then okay ... you know the best what you feel in your throat. What I hear is the strain and not the smoothness which is the characteristic of beautiful singing with or without distortion. .Don't think that based on Ken's videos you will improve your singing, because then everyone would do it.There are many links missing between these videos.

    I wish you all the best! :)
  • ElGrecoElGreco Member Posts: 15
    Sina said:

    Then okay ... you know the best what you feel in your throat. What I hear is the strain and not the smoothness which is the characteristic of beautiful singing with or without distortion. .Don't think that based on Ken's videos you will improve your singing, because then everyone would do it.There are many links missing between these videos.

    I wish you all the best! :)

    Right, I know I need a lot of work with distortion - think I an just in the beginning of long road with that. After reading your opinion I see this problems clearly and I will be working with that. As when I sing clear voice is smooth then with distortion I struggle too much. I need to find more relax and stability. Thank you for comments. I don't think I will be better just by watching Ken's videos. Anyway I really can't afford buying course. I watch lot of videos from different teachers (of course practicing too) and try to use it best as possible.
  • samw2019samw2019 2.0 PRO Posts: 285
    Hi I listened to your song video it sounded pretty cool. I've been recently super tempted by distortion, too early in my training, and did a couple of numbers with it after my training, adding bite to some soul karaokes and outright gassing it in one of my own numbers I composed. I'm working on being strict clean and trusting my training. Even if it's not slightly painful distortion is a risky thing to just guess how do to it. Over time statistically it damages the voice unfortunately, even if it's a lot of fun and sounds cool.

    There's a lot of info on Ken's youtube to get a nice training session going and seeing it takes a while to get it down, hopefully you could get your course afterwards. Anyway, I can see why you'd do Teen Spirit thats a great song but it's risky. Good luck with your training and singing, peace :smile:
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    Hi ElGreco, didn't have time yet to listen to your demos, but maybe you will find this interesting, if you scroll down you will find the routine I used to do before I got the course:


    it is made up of some of Ken's free YT videos

    Maybe you find it useful...
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  • ElGrecoElGreco Member Posts: 15

    Sorry for delay in response. I was off online :D Thank you all for your opinions. I personally prefer more calm songs but that's what my bandmates want to do so I'm working on distortion too. I feel more confident in more peaceful, high pitched songs and that's what I do better. Longer I train, more disadvantages I see in my technique. That's great experience to me.
  • ElGrecoElGreco Member Posts: 15
    @blondiewales @samw2019 @Klaus_T
    You can look at my demos in different styles. Without distortion. Two songs from bands I love:
    Muse - Feeling Good and Under the Bridge by RHCP Greetings! :)
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