I've reached the ceiling of my chest voice

Hello, I've been self teaching myself how to sing since last August with as much progress as can be expected. Money is tight so I can't get the course. I've seen a lot of horrible and decent info on youtube from many channels, but the best info I've seen has come from Ken Tamplin; I've watched many hours of Ken's videos on Youtube and I have made major progress because of his info.
I am a tenor and I cannot sing pass a well supported G4 in a chesty mix sound without everything falling apart. I can get good ping and clarity in a supported head voice from C5-G5, but that G#4-B4 area is very rough. All the singers I want to sound like (specifically Doh Kyungsoo from S. Korea) sing in that golden spot of male tenors: G#4+, but I can't get there. I have reached the ceiling of my chest voice and have nowhere else to go. What should I do? Do I try to get the G#4 and beyond, or do I work on head voice? I truly have no idea what path I should take. Please help.
I am a tenor and I cannot sing pass a well supported G4 in a chesty mix sound without everything falling apart. I can get good ping and clarity in a supported head voice from C5-G5, but that G#4-B4 area is very rough. All the singers I want to sound like (specifically Doh Kyungsoo from S. Korea) sing in that golden spot of male tenors: G#4+, but I can't get there. I have reached the ceiling of my chest voice and have nowhere else to go. What should I do? Do I try to get the G#4 and beyond, or do I work on head voice? I truly have no idea what path I should take. Please help.
remember, a STRONG CHEST VOICE combine with a STRONG HEAD VOICE will produce a STRONG MIXED VOICE..and you should consider working on your support too..
If so then i guess you need to strengthen your chest voice a little bit more..try to extend until you can hit C5 as the top note of your chest voice..and once you're done with your chest you can start with working on your head voice cord closure..
yes it is..basically, scales is like a drill that will helps us improve a lot if things..be it ranges,pitch,vocal tone,resonance and so on..
And like a footballer,they also use a lot of drill to improve their finishing,dribbling,speed and the list goes on..
and so does the singing..because singing is like a physical sport..
Yes, its not only about scales..its also about good support,open throat technique,bright timbre,vowel modification..all of this need to be combine to make a great vocal workout..
Good luck😀
Yes it is..scales is like a drill that helps us improve our ranges,tones,pitch,resonance and etc ..
And like a footballer, they also used a lot of drill to improve their dribbling,finishing,speed and the list goes on..and so does the singing,because singing is like a physical sport.. Yes, it is not only about a scales..its also about a good support,bright ping,open throat technique,vowel modification and etc...all of this need to be combine to make a great vocal workout..
Good luck..😀