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How can i get a good tone in my voice when singing?


How can i get a good tone in my voice when singing.
Im working on Dance of Death by Iron Maiden.



  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 214
    Couple of thoughts:

    1. Have you seen the videos about the ping sound, the "lah-ah!" This gives a really bright sound.
    2. If you're singing heavy metal, you are probably going into your head voice through the passagio. To get a good sound here requires a LOT of work. (I've been doing the course for 6 months, and I'm miles away at the moment!)

    So my recommendation is that you start the course, and put in the hours. Remember Ken keeps saying that to develop a really good voice will take a long time: there are no short cuts! But the journey is fun!
  • Ok thanks for the advice
  • SwedishMetalhead33SwedishMetalhead33 Member Posts: 40
    Been working on singing an iron maiden song called dance of death https://vocaroo.com/1kGtEsPgGQNG
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 214
    In the lower key singing, you’ve got a nice tone, but in the original there’s hints of compression, which you’re not doing. And you’re not doing the upper register singing.

    If you want to sing this genre, you need to sign up & commit to at least a couple of years of training.

    There are no shortcuts!
  • SwedishMetalhead33SwedishMetalhead33 Member Posts: 40
    I tried to experiment with another tone in singing https://vocaroo.com/1OZqJUVTkfRA
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 214
    @SwedishMetalhead33 I like your voice, but the question I cannot answer is: what are you trying to achieve?

    If you want to sing in a band, singing in local clubs, you're already good enough to do this. if the band wants to do metal covers, and requires you to sing in head voice, or with lots of distortion, you haven't demonstrated that you have the skills to do that. This will greatly limit what type of music you can sing.

    Could you develop those skills? Undoubtedly, and you'd be starting from a very good foundation. However, as Ken says repeatedly in his course, many other coaches offer massive changes in a very short time, but he says this is unrealistic. You need to put in 100s of hours of training to see significant improvement.

    Back to you! You have to decide what you want. I'm on the course because I want to do more than I could previously do. I'm seeing improvement, but I want to improve more than I have so far. I'm willing to invest the time and money. Are you?!

    The voice is an instrument. If you want to be an excellent drummer or guitarist, you'd put in years of practice. it's the same with your voice.
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