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Vocal Injury

jpachecolmjpachecolm Enrolled, 2.0 PRO Posts: 40
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this injury or something similar. About 10 years ago, I took an elbow to my throat, fracturing the cartilage around my trachea, vocal cords, etc. I lost my voice for about two weeks and ever since, I have trouble when going into falsetto. I had my throat, vocal cords checked out recently and the doctor found no issues. I can go into falsetto and a higher range early in the morning, but as the day progresses, I have trouble. Are there any excercises I can do to help me or am I doomed for the rest of my life?? I want to be able to hit the notes that I can, but my voice decides when this is possible (mornings). Help!!!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387
    edited November 2012

    Wow!  That sounds like a really traumatic injury!  Do you have any pain associated with your loss of falsetto or your old injury?  You should avoid doing anything with your voice that creates pain.

    Is the doc you saw an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist?   Are they familiar with your injury?  Did you ask them why you lose your high voice in the afternoons?

    You should get medical assurrance that it's OK for you to sing and exercise your voice. 

    If an ENT says it's OK to sing and stretch your voice, then you might possibly want to try easing into some of the Building Head Voice Exercises, but only after getting clearance from your medical voice specialist.   Fractured cartilage could take a long time to heal and regain its strength.  It might never be the quite the same.  That said, your vocal musculature could be somewhat atrophied and it may be possible to rehabilitate.  That could require vocal therapy. 

    Are you aware of the difference between falsetto and head voice?  Falsetto is actually an unhealthy vocal mode, unless used very sparingly.  Falsetto can dry your voice out quickly and take away its resiliency. 

    In order for anyone here to try to evaluate what is happening to your voice, we would need to hear a recorded example of what you are calling Falsetto and High Voice in the morning and then what the trouble is that happens later in the day. 

    All the Best! 


  • jpachecolmjpachecolm Enrolled, 2.0 PRO Posts: 40
    It's been years since the injury and I have no pain whatsoever. I've been singing for many years since  the injury and no discomfort is associated to my cords. Yes, the doctor was an ENT. There is no issue with me singing, as I can't cause any further damage, according to the doc.  I have been told in the past by a vocal coach to do a squeaky door sound for about 10 minutes per day. I would compare my sound to when someone is calling a cat, "here kitty, kitty!!" in that high voice. Would that be considered head or falsetto? Maybe I just need to work on building head voice exercises like you said. I'm fine, just irritated that I have this problem...
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