Weekend Warrior and practicing while driving a car

I am thinking about to start with Ken Templins The Course, but I have a few questions.
First a few word to me:
I'm from Germany and make music in a non-professional band. No singing until now and I want to do background singing.
Some time ago I read about Ken Templins Weekend Warrior. It was a entry-level part from The Course for people who just want to sing a bit better and not want to become a professional singer. What happend to the Weekend Warrior?
Is it now recommended, even if I only want to start a little bit of singing, to go the The Course?
Every day I drive to work by car. Sometimes I sing to the music I am listening to. So I was thinking:
Would It be a good thing to do singing exercises while driving a car?
I know, it is recommended to stand while singing, but I have so much time every day I could practice while sitting in a car.
Thanks and Greetings
I am thinking about to start with Ken Templins The Course, but I have a few questions.
First a few word to me:
I'm from Germany and make music in a non-professional band. No singing until now and I want to do background singing.
Some time ago I read about Ken Templins Weekend Warrior. It was a entry-level part from The Course for people who just want to sing a bit better and not want to become a professional singer. What happend to the Weekend Warrior?
Is it now recommended, even if I only want to start a little bit of singing, to go the The Course?
Every day I drive to work by car. Sometimes I sing to the music I am listening to. So I was thinking:
Would It be a good thing to do singing exercises while driving a car?
I know, it is recommended to stand while singing, but I have so much time every day I could practice while sitting in a car.
Thanks and Greetings
ich bin Marco aus Illerrieden (Nahe Ulm). Ich bin 48 und mache Musik als ambitionierter Hobbymusiker. Vor 4 Monaten habe ich mir den Kurs inkl. Pro-Packs zum 48. Geburtstag gegönnt. Anfangs habe ich auch nur im Auto gesungen und tue es auch heute noch. Aber zusätzlich hänge ich abends noch eine Stunde stehend im Keller dran. Das Singen im Auto ist okay. Allerdings ist die Qualität des Singens im Stehen schon deutlich besser. Man hat mehr Support aus dem Zwerchfell, der ganze Gesangsapparat ist aufgerichteter und man kann sich besser konzentrieren und vor allem kontrollieren.
Generell spricht aber überhaupt nichts gegen das Singen im Auto - ich tue es wie gesagt regelmäßig. Der Kurs ist übrigens wirklich klasse. Meine Stimme hat sich extrem verbessert. Die beste Investition, die ich jemals getätigt habe.
Liebe Grüße,
It's recommended to practice the course standing and giving your workouts your full attention and focus.
That said, probably a huge proportion of the people taking the course simply have little time at home to practice, yet they may commute to work.
When commuting, it is imperative to give your full attention to the road and operating your vehicle.
Most of us sing to a good song on the radio, however, because it's fun and feels good.
Many of us sing to Ken's exercises while driving, and practicing while driving, as long as you are giving attention to your driving, is better vocally than not practicing at all, by far.
In cases like that, where your time is really limited, you can get what you can done during your commute, and then, whenever possible, do make-up practices where you do stand and where you do give your full attention to doing the exercises correctly.
If that's the best you can do, you will make progress. It will just take longer, and you will have to be extra-careful when driving.
When commuting, the attention should be on the traffic. But driving the same route every day is a bit dull. And on the highway (Autobahn) you main goal is to keep the distance to the car in front of you. That don't takes all of my attention. Simple singing exercises should be possible.
My other question was:
What happend to the Weekend Warrior Course?
Because this would have been a good entry point for me to start singing.
Spielst du als Hobbymusiker ein Instrument, oder hast du vorher schon gesungen?
Ich fange eigentlich bei Null an und möchte einfach nur etwas besser singen können.
Also man irgendwo mitsingen, ohne dass es krumm und schief ist. ;-)
Oder auch mal in meiner Band als Background-Gesang.
Ken Tamplins Kurs und die Begeisterung der Leute hört sich für mich fast zu gut an. ;-)
Hängst du jeden Abend noch eine Stunde dran?
ja, ich bin Gitarrist und habe mir so ein kleines Homerecording-Setting zusammengestellt.
In meiner Jugend habe ich Trompete gelernt. Damals habe ich im dörflichen Musikverein gespielt aber auch richtigen Unterricht in der Jugendmusikschule genommen. Dadurch habe ich den ganzen musiktheoretischen Hintergrund quasi im Vorbeigehen gelernt. Mit 13 habe ich mir dann die Gitarre meiner Mutter geschnappt und drauflosgespielt. Ich hatte seinerzeit so ein Buch mit einer Plastik-Schallplatte. Ich glaube es hieß Peter Bursch's Gitarrenbuch. In meiner Sturm-und-Drang-Zeit war ich dann auch als Gitarrist und Trompeter mit einigen Bands unterwegs. Das Problem war immer, dass ich wirklich nicht singen konnte. Meine Intonation war katastrophal. Den Rest der Story kannst Du in einem Posting vom Juli nachlesen:
Seitdem singe ich wirklich jeden Tag im Auto und gehe abends für eine Stunde in den Keller, um meine Übungen zu machen. Es ist echt der Wahnsinn wie sehr sich meine Intonation verbessert hat. Ich kann mittlerweile bei jedem Song mitsingen und bin wirklich "in tune". Das hätte ich nie erwartet. Zwischenzeitlich bereite ich auch ein paar Playbacks vor, um hier im Forum von meinen Fortschritten zu berichten. Folgende Songs habe ich mir vorgenommen: Semisonic - Closing Time, Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind of Wonderful, Everlasting Love - Love Affair (also eine recht bunte Mischung). Und weisst Du was der Hammer ist? - Ich bekomme das echt hin.
Ja, am Anfang war ich auch skeptisch. Das klang fast zu schön um wahr zu sein. Mittlerweile hat mich die "Ken Tamplin"-Mania auch erfasst, weil es einfach funktioniert.
Der Weekend-Warrior-Kurs existiert wohl so nicht mehr. Ich denke, dass das früher einmal der Teil 1 des Kurses war. Heute würde das wohl den Volumes 1 bis 3 entsprechen. Wie geschrieben, habe ich mir den Kurs mit den ProPacks gegönnt - jeden Cent wert. Da habe ich die Gesangsausbildung für die nächsten Jahre. Ich habe ja nichts davon, aber ich kann Dir den Kurs mit absolut gutem Gewissen empfehlen. Aber man muss eben schon üben. Wenn man merkt wie gut man vorankommt, macht man das sehr gerne. Also ich zumindest.
Liebe Grüße,
Hello @Spectre,
yes, I'm a guitarist and have set up a small home recording setting.
I learned trumpet in my youth. At that time I played in the village music club but also took proper lessons in music school. Through this I learned the whole background of music theory in passing. At the age of 13 I grabbed my mother's guitar and played it. At the time I had a book with a plastic record. I think it was called Peter Bursch's Guitar Book. In my wild years up to the mid twenties, I was also on tour as a guitarist and trumpet player with some bands. The problem was always that I really could not sing. My pitch was a catastrophe. The rest of the story you can read in a post from July:
Since then, I really sing in the car every day and go to the basement for an hour in the evening to do my exercises. It's really amazing how much my pitch has improved. I can now sing along with nearly every song and am really "in tune". I never expected that. In the meantime, I also prepare a few playbacks to report here in the forum of my progress. I have planned the following songs: Semisonic - Closing Time, Grand Funk Railroad - Some Kind of Wonderful, Everlasting Love - Love Affair. And you know what's impressive? - I really get it.
Yes, at the beginning I was also skeptical. That sounded almost too good to be true. Meanwhile, the "Ken Tamplin" -Mania has also hit me, because it just works.
The Weekend Warrior course does not exist anymore. I think that used to be part 1 of the Course. Today this would probably correspond to Volumes 1 to 3 (THE COURSE). As written, I took the course with the ProPacks - worth every penny. There I have the vocal education for the next years. I do not get anything for my advertising, but I can recommend the course to you with a very good conscience. But you have to practice regularly. When you realize how well you are progressing, you'll really like doing that. At least I am.
Best regards,
Thank you for your story.
So you are, like myself, a beginner at singing an do course on your own.
I hesitate a bit, because it sounds to good to be true.
And most of the time, when something sounds to good to be true, it is not true.
Of course you have to practise, like any other craft.
can can call my, if you want - I sent you my mobile number via PM (private message).
Kind regards,
I joined the course and I am very excited.
I will make a new thread shortly to introduce myself properly.
great to have you here. The course is really good. You will improve quickly.
Looking forward to see lots of interesting posts from you.
Welcome and hope you enjoy the forum and hopefully the program soon