How to prep for an upcoming studio invite??

To any of you studio vets out there,
I have an opportunity to do the vocals for a few pieces on a new studio collaboration project.
The genre is "Symphonic Metal", so I am trying to prime my headspace on how to prepare for it.
It is all original material, and I have not heard any of it yet, so this may be one of the toughest things I've done yet.
(Lyrics are written, I just need to give them life)
Immediately it brings to mind singers like Geoff Tate, Jeff Scott Soto, Rob Halford or Bruce Dickinson... (How about for you??)
One thing I do now for melody discovery is to play the track back and record myself against it while I just vowel my way through it.
Using this method, I've come up with some material ranging from decent to haunting.
How would you go about preparing for the unknown; to hopefully have some rawking licks and exotic melodies ready to fire out on command?
I have an opportunity to do the vocals for a few pieces on a new studio collaboration project.
The genre is "Symphonic Metal", so I am trying to prime my headspace on how to prepare for it.
It is all original material, and I have not heard any of it yet, so this may be one of the toughest things I've done yet.
(Lyrics are written, I just need to give them life)
Immediately it brings to mind singers like Geoff Tate, Jeff Scott Soto, Rob Halford or Bruce Dickinson... (How about for you??)
One thing I do now for melody discovery is to play the track back and record myself against it while I just vowel my way through it.
Using this method, I've come up with some material ranging from decent to haunting.
How would you go about preparing for the unknown; to hopefully have some rawking licks and exotic melodies ready to fire out on command?
also another way, is when im looking for a hook or something catchy i try to think of a percussion hook as if I were doing a drum fill in the middle of the song and then i try to sing words on the drum fill hits with different notes, and this might give me different melodies
now, when i have the whole thing down
I personally like to write the lyrics down or even print them, mostly when I don´t know the song well, I put an accent or mark on the highest spot and syllable of every melody line, and also mark the breaths of each line, this helps me picture the map of the whole song, and helps me anticipate the highest part of what am I gonna sing, on every line, this way it never surprises me while singing, to me personally this is key to get to the note easier as an example : on Nightrain from guns n roses on the last time axl sings "Loaded like an airplane.... " which is kind of the hardest and highest part
I would write down beside the original lyric
ll Loaded laeg an áerblane ll
ll fláen laeg an aerblane ll
ll sbéden laeg a sbaesbraen_oan mar daem danaed ll
this are some things I personally go through, when im gonna write or sing something or record something i don´t know, so hope i was helpful, and didnt confuse you with so much processes haha
Going into this cold and relatively blind is going to be a massive test of my ability to adapt to the unknown.
I really do appreciate your input on how you break down, assess and notate the roadmap of the song-in-progress!
Every little bit helps
I have/had no clue how to approach coming up with melodies, and harmonies with the voice for original material. I pretty much just "hear things" when I'm listening to the music. No rhyme or reason. I would like to change that somehow. Hopefully the tips given on this thread will push me in the right direction.
Peace, Tony
Peace, Tony