Nose breathing

Is it correct that you should always breathe through the nose if you have the time and include the mouth when you dont? And if so why do you always hear singers gasp before singing even tho they have the time, should it be done nose + mouth always?
A singer that is confident in their singing will feel like they have time to breathe. A singer that is NOT confident will feel rushed and consequently rush their breathing leading to them gasping for breath.
as @HuduVudu said breathing from the nose is the best you can do, however this is the way I see it, when you breathe through the nose you always have to have the time to breathe, this meaning if you are singing a fast song that you have to take fast breaths, your nostrills will close and funnily enough youll end up eating wahtever is in your nose and you wont breathe right :P
so it depends on the tme you have to breathe, but if you do have time to breathe through the nose do it, im gonna post pavarotti siniging nessun dorma, youll see that whenever there is a pause he breathes through the nose and whenever there are no pauses he uses his mouth
I hope this is of help
What a lot of people don't know is that Ken studied with Pavarotti's coach/pianist/friend Leone Magiera, in Italy for a couple of years. People say "No one else does that!"
Obviously they haven't paid much attention to Pavarotti.
He has moved his tongue forward, out of the back of the throat.