I have the feeling that I am more hoarse now than I used to be. I am not sure if this is just immagination or not.
I have asthma, and use inhaled steroids, but a rather low dose. This medicine is typically making you hoarse, which is a problem for many singers. Because of that, I have started using the Buteyko breathing technique http://www.buteyko.com/, which is very effective. In two months I have reduced the use of medicine with 50%, and I am going to continue until I am totally free.
So, my hoarseness is probably due to:
1. Asthma medicine (I actually don't think it is the major cause, because I wasn't hoarse like this before, and I have used the medicines for some years now).
2. Oversinging (I sung 3 hours in a row last week, high belting songs-e.g. "Weak" with Skunk Anansie. It was so funny that I forgot to stop. I wasn't hoarse right after, but maybe that was a bit too tough for my vocal health....
3. A virus infection
4. Wrong technique (It is very likely that I did something wrong, but I am extremely aware of open throat when I sing and that it should not feel uncomfortable, so I don't think it is too bad. I had an online lesson with Ken, and he didn't mention anything about the throat).
This was a bit of a philosophical post. What I really wonder is this:
Could it be the 3 hours singing, and what should I do when I am hoarse? It is not very bad, but the voice is kind of breathy and I feel that there is some mucus on the cords (feel this when I sing high notes). I am afraid to damage the cords, so I want to ask for advice.
Thank you! I did as you said, and the hoarseness went away. Acutally, I think it is more about mucous than about sore cords. It was very strange, because I was afraid to sing, but when I did it, after a while my voice was clear and nice, and I could reach high notes easily.