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Falsetto and head voice

Whats the difference beetwen falsetto and head voice


  • Falsetto is a hooty, flutey sound.

    Headvoice is a reinforced falsetto with more girth, and power.

    Peace, Tony
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @JurajM, with great compliments from Germany to Croatia,

    sorry that I did not answer to your last comment earlier - I was on heavy duty the last days. And again ... a warm welcome.

    We, here at KTVA, are used to use two / three terms: chest voice, head voice and mixed voice. When using head voice we think of it like a reinforced falsetto. That means, as to my understanding, not that hooty-fluty sound we all know, but a kind of falsetto that matches the sound of our chest voice. This is what we are looking for.

    Kad sam bio mlad, imao sam djevojku iz Hrvatske. Zvala se Snježana. Bila je izvrsna osoba. Često mislim na tebe. Hrvatska je prekrasna zemlja. I nadam se da će ljudi u Hrvatskoj uskoro biti dobro ekonomski.

    Najbolje želje,
    Marco (Doc)
  • JurajMJurajM Member Posts: 54
    Hvala, nadam se i ja da nam ne mora pola drzave ici u njemacku raditi haha + sto sam mlad imam 17 godina meni jos bitnije
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @JurajM:

    I hope so, too. So enjoy you singing journey. And if you can afford it: I honestly can recommend Ken's course. It is great.

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