Just watched kens live stream on twang

ok so i just watched the twang live stream alot of good info! I haven't been able to be on when questions are available. But i have some!
I would like to know how someone can really tell if they are using to much "twang" in their sound? or that the throat is too closed? To me when people have higher voices it can be hard to tell the difference between twang and " belting" especially in certain singing styles, broadway, some metal etc.
Is there a way you can test out if you are using twang to create your sound and don't know it? so you can be aware of it? some people night not be aware of how "open" their throat is yet depending on how tuned into their body they are. Simmilar to how you can pinch your nose an see if the sound changes to see if your singing nasal?
Another question i have is about the larynx rising since it was brought up in the video. So it seems to me that at a certain point in ones range the larnyx just does rise up? like say at your top most notes, for me any way i feel it go up at the top 3 notes... is this something that trained singers eventually do learn to combat? or is it just natural for the voice to do? just the way it is at a certain point?
I would like to know how someone can really tell if they are using to much "twang" in their sound? or that the throat is too closed? To me when people have higher voices it can be hard to tell the difference between twang and " belting" especially in certain singing styles, broadway, some metal etc.
Is there a way you can test out if you are using twang to create your sound and don't know it? so you can be aware of it? some people night not be aware of how "open" their throat is yet depending on how tuned into their body they are. Simmilar to how you can pinch your nose an see if the sound changes to see if your singing nasal?
Another question i have is about the larynx rising since it was brought up in the video. So it seems to me that at a certain point in ones range the larnyx just does rise up? like say at your top most notes, for me any way i feel it go up at the top 3 notes... is this something that trained singers eventually do learn to combat? or is it just natural for the voice to do? just the way it is at a certain point?
As far as the larnyx goes, yes, it does move up and down, but you can control it to stay in a neutral position.
Peace, Tony
You start out training to use a somewhat lowered larynx position with KTVA. To make sure you don't push the larynx up when climbing up the scales among other things. When that becomes 'automatic', you'll eventually end up relaxing the larynx, so you don't even have to think about it anymore. It becomes part of the sensation of singing correctly.
Do remember that this takes a lot of time and effort. You are literally working out and practicing your instrument. With instrument being your very own voice.
If you listen to Ken's demonstrations on increasing range etc. on youtube, then you'll notice what open throat is. Nasal resonance is OK, but not too much. Too much makes you sound nasal. You want a blend. I don't know much about 'twang', but you can vary a little with the amount of nasal resonance if you want. You just need that open throat basis.
All the best,