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Aubrey Pankey-the manuscripts dedicated to him.Masterpieces of 1942

AngelosAngelos Member Posts: 14
Hello.I accidentaly made a historical discovery in a second hand bookstore in Berlin.The manuscripts are for piano and voice(baritone) handwriten dated and dedicated to Aubrey Pankey.Here is the wikilink about him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aubrey_Pankey
and here is the dropbox file with all manuscripts included plus a file with info about composers and poets.Please check these are mastepieces and a piece of music history of the U.S.A. and Latin Americas.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/dkajg44ttybhffw/Masterpieces 1942-Aubrey Pankey.rar?dl=0


  • If you are really into books, here in the United states you can buy books by the pound. I have an old leather ledger that I found which turned out to be from a draftsman at the E.R. Thompson motor company back in 1909.
    There were hand written descriptions, formulas, and it also had hand drawings of things like the crank shafts, the engine, etc..................

    Museums have asked me to donate it to them, but I'm going to hang on to it for a while.

    The point being, you can find some nice gems in the books by the pound boxes.

    Peace, Tony

  • AngelosAngelos Member Posts: 14
    I am talking about lieders from major composers.the most major of Latin America of 20th century.Just check the Villa Lobos
  • AngelosAngelos Member Posts: 14
    Also Rosa Mercedes Ayarza de Morales..India Bella is her most famous song
  • I looked at them. The Library Of Congress has a great collection, and you can listen to theirs.

  • AngelosAngelos Member Posts: 14
    yes but you see,this is not something you find at the pound boxes.it is a completion of Indian American Classical Music from the most famous composers of Latin America during 1942.
  • You're wrong about finding valuable books from buying by the pound, but It's your story. Tell it as you want.

  • AngelosAngelos Member Posts: 14
    Peace.I hope I was not rude.It just is a subject that I am really focused on
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    edited December 2018
    Hi @Angelos,

    no you absolutely weren't. Tony is very, very cool ... a great guy - he can bear a ton. And each one of us is unique. I think that he just wanted to encourage you to tell us your story. I read you posting too and read from it "That cool guy found something amazing. And it means a lot to him. It remembered me of the luck I found an original vinyl of "Studio Tan" by Frank Zappa one day. No one can imagine (still today) what that meant to me.

    So, good to have you here. You are interested on "Indian American Classical Music", I think. To be honest, I had to look that up. The "Lieder"-Collection seems to be something really special. I have read the Wikipedia article on "Aubrey Pankey". Amazing story.

    Thanks form the South to the North,

  • AngelosAngelos Member Posts: 14
    OK here is the story. I was in Berlin and gave someone a gift-an old but really good violin.And the day after I 've found the manuscripts.It was like a 'thank you'. After this I looked for the story of Aubrey Pankey and among the places was the Pitsburgh University amd Tenessee Uiniversity.There were two professors that accepted the scans of the collection.Actually the Carnegie Library asked for the manuscripts but i did not gave them.
    So now that I have them how about making an album with them?They are really beautiful songs.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Angelos,

    so you are good to go and make the album. Are you going to sing the songs yourself. I guess they are not so easy.

  • AngelosAngelos Member Posts: 14
    No I am looking for people to sing them.The lyrics are in French ,English,German,and Brazilian and Mexican and Peruvian-this must be Spanish and Portuguese.I also look for a pianist.Do you sing ?
    Or can you tell to friends of yours?
    I really do not know what to do it is a responsibility.
    Also the copyright is something that be taken care of.
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