New topic for Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy vocalists: Setting Goals - give us your input!

Dudes and Divas!
We're starting yet another topic of discussion that we will eventually be including in the course itself.
Setting Goals
We want to better serve singers who join KTVA by giving real and practical information to apply to their own journey. There are plenty of other courses out there that promise to turn you into David Coverdale or Whitney Houston within six months. We all know this is not possible and this is ONE of the reasons KTVA gets so many disgruntled SS/SLS vocalists joining us.
We'll be implementing the following bench marks:
- Immediate and on-going results and breakthroughs
- Six months
- One year
- Two years
If you are someone who got into KTVA a year ago or longer and have been applying yourself according to how Ken Tamplin teaches, then you KNOW what progress FEELS LIKE.
We know that every voice is different and everyone's goals are different - some want to win American Idol, others want to replace Mick Jagger and some just want to sing the National Anthem without choking.
So, that being said, we want to implement a couple of simple and universal benchmarks/goals that everyone can aspire to, so you can actually measure your progress. REALISTIC goals. Goals that start at the six month mark.
We all know how great the How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else course is, especially if you are really into singing and are motivated, we are surrounded by great people who experience incredible breakthroughs pretty soon after starting the course. And if you stick with it, the breakthroughs and the improvements in your singing voice are NEVER ENDING.
Let us know if YOU have set any goals for yourself and if you reached them - or if you want personalized help in setting goals.
Sing on!
Hey Mike,
I already hear a lot of improvement in your voice. Great work. I think your goal is totally acheivable. You are using a lot of air in your tone, maybe try to clean that up get that bright lah tone just like the exercises. Sing the whole song keeping that forward. bright tone. Also, double up on your support especially when you get to the F#4. You are hitting the note pretty well right now, however it is with more of a head voice/lighter tone. Keep at it and I think you will achieve this goal in less than 6 months!! great to hear from you again.
I have different goals, both short-term and long-term.
Currently I am climbing the long, slow mountain of stretching chest. I'm still trying to get a quality sound in the range between G#4 and C#5. I'm hitting the notes, but I don't want to hit them. I want to sing them. Next short-term goal would be to continue that progress up to about F#6 or G6 in chest. I may not get there, but I'm aiming high in order to attain a realistic result. Again, I'm not looking for a strained E6 or so, I want to SING a quality note. In chest.
Wherever I decide to accept my chest accomplishments, then I will turn to developing head, stretching its highest limits and also dropping head as far down into the upper mids of chest and call voice as I can go. I want to have a broad overlap of all of these registers so that I can select which tones I use, and no one will be able to tell if I'm in head, chest, mix, what? That's my mid-term goal.
Long-term, I want to be able to sing as much like Ken Tamplin as possible. That's versatility. I want to be able to sing anything that I can feel. I want people to lose themselves and be drawn into the moment when I sing a song that touches their lives. I want my vocal training to be so ingrained that it's all coming from muscle memory and experience, no more mechanical effort than what I would feel when I get on a bike and ride - I don't have to think about balancing a bicycle anymore, even though I was very young when I first learned. I want to be able to let my feelings flow through song, and bring my audience with me on a ride through whatever the song is meant to be and more. This is why I work to train my voice; to make the training transparent, and the effort effortless, the struggle seamless, and to bring joy to others.
I want to be just like Ken Tamplin when I grow up!
Hahaha! Bob! "I want to be just like Ken Tamplin when I grow up!" That was quite funny!
My goal is simple... I want to be able to sing like this guy :
I Just want toBE all that I can be
Singing sets me free
Here it is:
I want to get a hold of this mixed voice I haven't quite the grasp on yet.
i want versatility.
above all, i want to perform live without doubting my abilities, and really give any audience the feeling i wanna convey. Really suprise people who thought i could never sing worth anything
I've been doing KTVA for almost a year, and within this time I've seen great progress.
I'm looking forward to even more progress down the road.
I have two very concrete goals:
1. To develop strong support
2. To be able to sing in the call register, doing it like Bob says:
"Remember, to get into your call register, it's just like when you shout out to your girls to come home. Now just add a little bit of mad to it like you know they can hear you, but they won't come until you sound like you MEAN IT!"
I will measure my progress with the song "Weak" with Skunk Anansie, which is very challenging in terms of support, and requires that I sing in the call register.
For anyone interested, this is how it sounds BEFORE:
AFTER will follow.
What a difference a real vocal method makes, when applied and practiced!!!
Where you can expect to go has a lot to do with where you start out, how much time and concentrated effort you put into the program, and your physiological makeup. It also has to do with how far you are willing to push the envelope and challenge yourself to grow.
You will learn that your preconceived limitations may have already been surpassed.
You are in many ways only limited by your own will to persevere. The further you choose to go, the further you will go. It takes a lot of effort and practice, but you may be capable of far more than you previously believed!
To answer the question "Where did that come from?" I say, from within YOU!
Master the Ah oft ook who.
Get a great sounding c5 I can hit when I want.
Eventually hit a c6 to be able to sing Faithfully in key.
And just to understand my voice better, generally. Make it my life-long partner on a fascinating journey.
My goal is to just be able to sing and want to be heard ... sounds like a horribly small goal, but at this point that's it. I've been playing guitar for years as an accompaniment... all along wanting to just play and sing...
So.. here is for holding out hope!
On top of it all, I've got to play guitar while I sing, so there is a pretty high price right there, as we are a power trio -_-
For this year, I want to finish phase 3 and integrate the new methods while abandoning the old... and get more comfortable doing that and become more consistent in my vocals... A final note would be that I want to still have lots of vocal firepower after rehearsals and performances.
Ken Tamplin, thank you!!
I have always loved music...I play piano, guitar, and sing.
I have never been confident....musically speaking....until recently.
What changed? -Transformation thru Christ...REAL healing...The Lord has been so gracious to me after years of physical and sexual abuse, drug and alcohol addiction, and name a few.
I see my life truly has purpose, now...the purpose that God created me to have...that He created ALL of us to have.
My hope is to continue to allow the Lord to speak to me and thru me as I simply enjoy life the way He always intended for us to enjoy it...glorifying Him with our life!!! I am blessed to be a travel nurse with many possibilities ahead. If I could do anything in the world it would be to become a motivational speaker and well as artist (did I mention I also just discovered a love and talent for drawing and painting?....we all have so many gifts and talents that we - so often - fail to discover!!
I will be auditioning for The Voice in a couple of months. It is really going to be just for fun, but I do hope to share my testimony while there! You can hear a few songs I have done at my YouTube channel, CaraJWalking
You can, also, hear my testimony:
I look forward to learning and sharing with you all!!
6 months, have a strong and quality range
1 year have some half way decant material of my own wrote
2 years. be hanging with Layne Staley LOL
Thank you Ken Tamplin!
I'm taking this one day at a time with the following goal in mind, I don't even have any definite goals written down yet; however, I do know I have a plan.
#1: Stay the course and practice daily
#2: Continually record myself singing and playing, and review
#3: Don't get discouraged.
The only goal I can say for certain is that I want to Sing and Play, I love music, it's just part of me, although singing has never been my thing (except in my head). I need to sing, it's just part of me, it's just who I want to be.
Sounds like a plan! :-)
I had a lot of trouble getting my face to relax enough to let the lip trills work. I'm talking about YEARS. Then, all of a sudden, they started working. I figured it out. It was all me that was the problem, and being too tense. When you loosen up enough, you'll realize that it's all in how you let your face and lips go slack that allows you to find that balance where the lips will burble without tensing back up.
Then you teach yourself to find that relaxation, and bingo, there you go.
After a fresh swig of water, burbles are way easier to do... and you can even do that Jim Carrey barking St. Bernard skit if you want to
Build it (your voice) and they will come.
Ok, so here my story. I started with this course after I started studying music at uni this fall. I’m an classical guitarist and I wanted to take an major in classical music, however no one had told me that in order to study music at the university i was attending, you had to know how to sing. It has alot to do with how they teach ear training etc. Needless to say I was at a disadvantage. I had never sung in my entire life, but I managed to convince the teachers to give up me the time until the exams in Desember to prove that i belonged in class.
So I started doing this course following it to the letter. I went completely straight edge, haven´t touched a drop of alcohol since August (I´m 24 years old, living on campus so that one was hard), are doing cardio workout 5 times a week to expand my lung capacity, follow meal plans that are suppose to keep your voice strong and did the exercises of volum 1, 2 times a day 6 times a week. Not only did I convince my teachers that I was determined to stay in class, I got an A on my singing exam as the only one in my class. I really can´t believe how much my voice has grown and the control I have over it now, but now I could use some new goals to work towards.
I´m an alto and at my exam I was singing, everything from Beatles and David Bowie to jazz standards, however I prefer the more heavy genre like punk and hard rock. So maybe you guys could help me come up with a list of songs I could try and learn and maybe some technical goals aswell. Like being able to do all the exercises in volum 1 in chest voice (if that´s possible).
Well, when you say you want to do hard rock "Safely", that doesn't really get touched on till Volume 3.
So maybe a decent goal/milestone set would look like this:
Goal #1 - Finish Volume #2 till it is no longer difficult
Goal #2 - Work your way up to, and master Volume 3
Goal #3 - Start to develop your safe vocal-fry,
Goal #4 - Start to develop full-on distortion safely
Goal #5 - Live performance
"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.."
Its easy to wander away and lose track if your not thinking about the right things..Here is where I'm at...
Short Term Goals:
- #1: Steady 5-6 days per week
- #2: Get to Volume 2 (I don't mean by rushing through #1, I mean by really spending the time on this, eliminating those spots, getting my support, Staying on pitch with notes within my range, understanding clearly, recording myself and getting some good feedback to know when I'm ready..
2018: (Long Term)