Hi guys ! Here's a recording i've done, I'd like to know how and what should I improve ! I know that i have volume problems i've the impression to sing loud but i have difficulties to manage it but i'd like to know if you see other problems too ! Here's the link Thanks by advance
@philnath I would encourage you to focus on your smile and support as much as you can for now, it will improve your pitch a lot, its a little loud, but that will improve when you practice bridging the whole routine you are in at the lowest volume to bridge easier then youll try to bring that to the songs and will feel more control
Yeah thank you , it's true that i'm not smiling enough , i've always the fear of splatting the sound , vowels. i'll also try to bring more support ! Thanks for these advices Have a nice day ! (and if someone avec more tips to give me dont hesitate )
i'll also try to bring more support ! Thanks for these advices
Have a nice day !
(and if someone avec more tips to give me dont hesitate )