Past Webinars - archived in the forum?
Best Answers
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386
Hi, neil501nyc,
Yes, the past webinars are archived in a "Webinars" section of the KTVA forums. This section, like many sections of the KTVA Forum, is accessible only to enrolled students. The library of Webinars is growing rapidly, and serves as a ready reference depot for KTVA enrollees.
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386
Please see the message above to Neil501nyc and 5alivevocal. The answer is the same. If you are Enrolled in KTVA, then your forum status should reflect that, and you will be given access.
If you are not enrolled in a KTVA course, then the only thing you can do with regard to the Webinars is to attend them live, online, when they happen. Ken still allows anyone, whether enrolled or not, to take part in his Webinars.
You can see the link to the Saturday, 01/12/13 10:00 AM Pacific Time Webinar in the General Singing category of the KTVA forum, which is accessible to all forum members. Click on that and attend this morning if you read this in time!
If you are enrolled in KTVA, then follow the instructions I gave in the post above, and you will be fixed up in no time with access to ALL of the previous Webinar Recordings!
Good Singing to You, Hulkinator!
The webinar archives are available to students who are enrolled in the KTVA stages. If you purchase a training program, access to other sections of the forum is made available.
Forum members who are not students have only a limited area of the forum available.
Thanks again
@Neil501nyc, and @5alivevocal,
See above your posts. After your username it says "member". If you purchased a package from KTVA, that should read "Enrolled". That would be why you are not seeing the rest of the forums. In fact, you are only getting a tiny peek at the forums.
To get this corrected, please send an email to
Put in the title of the email "Forum Access Status"
It will be very helpful if you can copy and paste into your email, the original receipt for your KTVA purchase. Include your KTVA username. Request your KTVA Forum status to be changed from member to Enrolled.
That should get you onboard in the shortest amount of time!
Once that happens you will see a much longer list on the right side of the page. Scroll way down the list, almost to the bottom, and you will see a category called Webinars. That is where you will find a JACKPOT of additional information on many different KTVA topics. In-depth discussions, with Ken giving examples, and question-and-answer time at the end.
This section, as well as all of the other hidden portions of the KTVA Forums, is considered to be bonus material for Enrolled KTVA students.
Get those emails off, and if you haven't heard back in a reasonable amount of time, please message me via my inbox, which you will see in blue letters at the top of the forum pages. Address it to highmtn.
You're going to really like what you find there.
Thanks for the help i was wondering how to gain accessas well