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Trust in Voice

JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
I,ve got a really important question. It might be sound Kind of clishee-like, but i arrived Vol.2 at The course How To Sing better than anyone Else. Ive learned all The stuff from The Beginning. And I know, how that all works. My Problem is, that I Just dont own The correct Headphones for Hearing myself. Yeah, I know, it is always The same topic, that everyone is hating Their own voice by first hearing it recorded. But in my Case, after i recorderd myself, i find it Sounds To crackly. In my opinion, The Sound of my own voice, sounds too crackly and without anything Like The vowel mods, and also With too much "Classical pointy singing". But everyone, also my parents who are musicians, think that I can do everything, The Vowel Mods, The Pitch and especially The Diaphragmetic Breathing. And after I Heard this, i Just wanted To do my best while practising and Just listen more into my self-heard voice. I asked my parents, and they say, it is really good and that I am able To reach Pitch and that I got my Vowel Mods, so it Just Sounds, that I am good and that I have Trained it. Should I Change Something or should I Trust in my voice, in my self-heard voice. What do you say? Thank you for your answers.

And excuse me, if The words are too wierd written, but it is just The Auto-Correction, cause i am from Germany, and it is auto-Correcting everything Like that. I am sorry!


  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    Hello Joerch.

    First off you should definitely get upgraded to the student area of the forums. You can do that here.

    Because we are in the non-student area, I am unable to go into great detail regarding this question. That said what you hear when you record your voice IS your voice. It can be difficult to get real time feedback on what your voice sounds like, but I find that in time you can adjust your own ears to hear your voice correctly. I find this to be the most desirable situation. This however requires you to really listen to your voice in your recordings and then work to match what you are hearing there with what you hear in your ears.

    Be warned that our brains have filters that are put over the actual sound that is coming into our ears and because of that we won't sometimes hear flaws or mistakes even in our recordings. It is your job as a singer to remove these filters and hear what is exactly coming into ears.

    Hope that can help :)
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Joerch,

    a warm welcome from a countryman. @HuduVudu is right. You should get your status updated to come to the students area.

    Grüße, Marco
  • JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Yeah, thank you very much for your answers! I will go and sign in the student-area.

    All in all, it was really helpful, and I know about that filters. My question was, if I could trust in my voice, after musicians told me, that i´m good at this. Because they´re telling me that. And I don´t own the correct headphones yet. Wich headphones and set should I buy for perfectly recording myself?

    Thank you very much, everyone!
  • JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    edited December 2018
    And how can I register for the Student-Area? They say, that I need a receipt to send it as a Mail to that given Adress. But I didn´t get a receipt after I got my package. It was a "letter". How can I join the Student-Area? Thank you! :)
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    Receipt should have been in the package as a part of the packing list. Also you may have a receipt depending on how you paid. Provide the information that you can via the e-mail and see what is accepted.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Copy the letter and paste it into your request to ktvaforums@gmail.com/
    That may be enough, or at least get the process started.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    edited December 2018
    @Joerch: Do you have a Gmail-Account? I have had to send my receipt several times. Maybe it could work if you sent it in using another E-Mail-Account? Doc
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    I was able to research the KTVA database and find you, @Joerch.
    You are now 2.0 PRO.
  • JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Oh, thank you very much all together!

    No, I don´t have a Gmail-Account, but am I now in 2.0 PRO? I will look for it.

    But honestly, i didn´t get a receipt from the Post-Station. Maybe only an E-Mail, but I don´t know. I will give a look into the 2.0 PRO then.

    Greetings and have a wounderful Christmas-Time! :)
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    Joerch if you look at your Avatar (the little picture next to your name) to the right of it and your name you will see Posts: 4 (or whatever number) and to the right of that you will see 2.0 PRO ... that is your status on the forums. You have been upgraded and you are now able to post in student areas.
  • JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Thank you. Okay, but I don´t see it.
  • JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    No, I find a receipt know as a Mail. I´ve sent it to that E-Mail-Adress.
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    Joerch you are upgraded here. You are a student now on these forums.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Joerch,

    good to have you here on 2.0 PRO. Wise choice.

  • JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Thank you very much, everyone! I just can see it, that I´m in 2.0 PRO know, but if you´re saying it, that´s okay! Thanks! I reached Vol.2 know, and my question just was this: Should I really trust my voice, if musicians, for example my parents who can sing, tell me that I´m reaching pitch, that i use my Vowel Mods and that I even can do the Vibrato? Please, it would be nice to hear from you. Or wich set do you say, is the best one for recording and hearing the voice? Maybe from Germany. Thank you all! :)
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    Joerch ... post your question into the student area so that you can get detailed answers from students. Psychology of Singing would be a good choice.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Joerch,

    you can see it here:

  • JoerchJoerch 2.0 PRO Posts: 10
    Ah, alright. Thank you! HuduVudu, please don´t tell me, that i´m sick. :D Just kidding. Alright.
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