We Are The Champions
Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
So, I did this song, and it was a lot of fun. The track came with some harmonies, so i added something to the harmonies.
Ths inner Freddie comes out in this song lol.
@highmtn @videoace @HuduVudu @blondiewales @Gaston_Jauregui @doc_ramadani @Michael4000 @victortang
@Ken Tamplin
Ths inner Freddie comes out in this song lol.
@highmtn @videoace @HuduVudu @blondiewales @Gaston_Jauregui @doc_ramadani @Michael4000 @victortang
@Ken Tamplin
It was easy to find. Converted the link and downloaded to MP3
You can do it!
How can I make that sound more chesty?
Cool, Thanks. How can I take it from a chesty mix and just make it full chest?
Does Freddie do it full or mix as well?
You never know lol he might show up someday lol.
I'm wondering how to hit that C5 in full chest. And how Freddie does it, that is if he's even doing it in full chest.
Hopefully I'll be able to hear what you sound like in a couple of years from now. (on the radio?)
Hopefully I'll be all over the radio in a couple years! :P
I thank you so much!
Glad your wife liked it! AND she's a harsh critique. x1000 times better.
And yeah I tried to be as dynamic as possible with this song. Going from being sweet to slamming it in your face.
Thank you doc.
Keep the funny comments coming lol
Your only limitations are yourself. If radio is what you want, surround yourself with credible people in your local music scene, learn their contacts, and keep moving forward, never backward. Just surround yourself with credible people.
We all get what we work for in the end.
"Aus Fehlern wird man klug, drum ist einer nicht genug."
"From Mistakes you get smart, so one is not enough."