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What is this area of my throat that I cannot relax?

Hello everyone and anyone!

I have just recently learnt how to mostly keep my jaw relaxed while I sing and it has made a positive difference in regards to how much tension I feel at the end/during my warm up BUT I still seem to be having quite a lot of tension in another area of my throat.

It feels like the back and upper area of my throat/back up high in the mouth/throat area. Does anyone know what this area is called and any tips on how to/what to do to relax this tension spot?

Thank you and I appreciate your advice !


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Well, the uvula is the dangly little thing that hangs down back there, attached to the soft palate. Behind that is the area we like to refer to as the "back of the throat" because that's what it is.

    A very relaxing thing you can to is to Yawn. Yawning opens up the back of the throat. You can raise the uvula as you go higher in pitch, and that opens up a larger resonant space.

    Tension is just something you have to figure out where it is coming from when you sing, and why you are doing it, because it will make singing harder for you.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @EllyM,

    the correct medical term for the "back of the throat" we are talking about here at KTVA would be "Oropharynx". The part below would be called "Laryngopharynx".

    Want a picture: ->


  • EllyMEllyM Member Posts: 10
    "Tension is just something you have to figure out where it is coming from when you sing, and why you are doing it, because it will make singing harder for you."

    ...thanks High Mountain...good sound advice...it is a real learning journey that is for sure!
  • EllyMEllyM Member Posts: 10
    Thanks Dr R for the names -

    "Oropharynx". The part below would be called "Laryngopharynx".

    I will now look them up to have a look..always interesting....thanks!
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