The tempo or time signature of an effect usually corresponds with the tempo or time signature of the song.
A lot of new processors, and even my lighting mixer has a button you tap to set the speed of the effect, so you can tap it in time with the song, and the effect will be synced to that tempo.
if you use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation, a software with your computer), the effects, i.e. delays, will be synced to the tempo of the song. The digital effects have normally a button to enable this syncing.
A lot of new processors, and even my lighting mixer has a button you tap to set the speed of the effect, so you can tap it in time with the song, and the effect will be synced to that tempo.
if you use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation, a software with your computer), the effects, i.e. delays, will be synced to the tempo of the song. The digital effects have normally a button to enable this syncing.