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Could I train my voice to sound like this?

TmoultiTmoulti Member Posts: 3
Hi there everyone, first post here! So this is how I currently sound https://www.speakpipe.com/voice-recorder/msg/0fv5asj235pf9v9x would it be possible for me to eventually have a voice similar to this?  https://vocaroo.com/i/s0GWt6EIXjiJ  Thanks.


  • Maximus3000Maximus3000 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 82
    Good to have you here in the forums.
    My short opinion: no you can´t change your voice to sound like XXXXX

    but what I find much more important: you can train your voice to be versatile. You can train your voice to sing higher and lower than you currently are and you can train your voice to sound awesome. The vocal tract, the vocal folds, the nasal cavitys in your head are different than anybody else. Everyones voice is different and that is good.
    Can Frank Sinatra sing like Chris Cornell? No... does it mean he is a bad singer? absolutely not!
    Can Chris Cornell sing like Frank Sinatra? No... does it mean he is a bad singer? absolutely not!

    For me it is very important to find YOUR voice. Don´t try to be someone else. It is not wrong to have some influences from famous singers. When you listen a lot to some certain style and you learn the right techniques, you will sound a little bit like your influence because you will tend to sing in a similar style. But it still will have a big load of your "fingerprint" in the sound.

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    @Tmoulti & @ashfittis

    if you check out the videos of Ken's students covering songs, I guess this is a good indicator on how close you could get.(give or take). if they would spend more time they could probably come even closer but they get pretty close as it stands. i assume you get Ken's newsletter if not here is the recent cover:


    She can't obviously be Stevie Nicks but she can copy her style. so I guess you could try too with your favorite singers!
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    probs best to have a browse through some of those videos to get an impression of the possibilities
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
  • TmoultiTmoulti Member Posts: 3
    Thank you everyone for the replies! Those videos were very helpful. Very impressive singing. As you suggested, I'll definitely have a look at some other examples with male singers to see what's achievable.

    Maximus3000, thanks for the advice. You're right. The reason I asked this question was just to get an idea of the possibilities with my voice and how it could potentially sound like with proper training.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited March 2019
    You learn to grow your voice and to develop it to a point where you can lean more to one direction or another. You can emulate some other artists, but you will still sound like you. But you may sound like a much better you after you gain control over how to work your vocal instrument.

    It's quite likely that, after considerable training, you will be able to sing songs you never thought you would be capable of. And you can learn a lot about making your voice sound more pleasing, both to yourself and to others.
  • TmoultiTmoulti Member Posts: 3
    highmtn said:

    You learn to grow your voice and to develop it to a point where you can lean more to one direction or another. You can emulate some other artists, but you will still sound like you. But you may sound like a much better you after you gain control over how to work your vocal instrument.

    It's quite likely that, after considerable training, you will be able to sing songs you never thought you would be capable of. And you can learn a lot about making your voice sound more pleasing, both to yourself and to others.

    Thanks for the insight. I really appreciate it. It'll be very interesting and exciting to see the results once I begin my vocal training (within the next few weeks probably).

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