Hi, from the country side of Victoria, Australia

Andi77Andi77 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
So excited to be here with you all :) I simply can't wait to begin this incredible journey, it's been a long time coming. I did procrastinate purchasing for a little time... I know, I know, wasted days, but hey, I did it! Here I am! Yay!

I have been singing all my life... at home, behind closed doors, in the car, etc. I think I sang before I could talk! My parents were opera singers, but life dealt me a different hand and I never had the opportunity for any vocal coaching/lessons. Now at 42 years of age, my husband and I have 3 amazing kids, all teenagers at this point, all musicians, amazing at what they do, creating a home that is constantly full of music and joy. I have done my absolute best to give them full support in their musical endeavours. My eldest is now also receiving vocal lessons from his music teacher at school.
But now it's my turn. I've been a spectator for far too long. I want to be up on the stage doing what I love so darn much! I can't sit still anymore!

Mammas gonna sing! ( I'm a little excited guys-apologies )


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387
    Good for you, Andi!

    It's always great to see someone finally take steps to do this big thing for yourself, at last. We're here to cheer you on. You get to be part of the music now. Time for Mom to start her lessons!

    We all put it off until we just couldn't put it off any longer. So here we all are, moving along on our separate journeys, but doing it together, as well, with one another as support.


  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hello Andi, @Andi77

    a warm Welcom from Germany, I am Marco, 48 years old and started singing 7 months ago. You did a very wise choice with buying the Course+ (Vol. 1 to 5 plus the ProPacks). For me, the only "go for". You will have an interesting singing journey with us, believe me.


    PS.: I would like to recommend to you that you visit these forums regularly and listen to other students' demos and comment on them. Then read carefully what other students comment. You will learn a lot from that, believe me. You will get very good on analyzing yourself. Get involved and squeeze out the most of this course.
  • cwcwcwcw 2.0 PRO Posts: 412
    Welcome, Andi! @Andi77

    Glad to have you here. I'm Chris from USA. I've been involved in music for over 35 years, playing guitar and in a band in the 80's, mostly doing background vocals. I've always enjoyed singing, and wanted to improve. I'll be turning 50 this year. With no time to lose, and after working on Ken's "free" program for over a year, I bought Pro 2.0 at the end of November 2018. :) Great move!

    My experience so far has been fantastic. The folks on the forum, like @doc_ramadani, Bob @highmtn, Shane @HuduVudu, @victortang, and many others are very helpful. You'll enjoy it here.

    Once you get settled in, consider joining us in the Collaborative Demos section. We have an informal/optional "Weekly Assignment" where we put our best effort into singing the assigned song for the week. Skill level makes no difference. We're all on the journey. The purpose of the assignments is to allow students to apply the skills they're learning, and receive friendly, honest feedback. Don't worry, it is safe here. :)

    This week's assignment is, "It's a Beautiful Day" by Michael Buble', just to give you a point of reference. We'd love to have you when / if you're ready. No pressure at all.

  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606
    Gday @Andi77

    Yes welcome to the course from Scotland I am 45 and apart from doing karaoke and keyboard playing decided to try this course to sing properly and can tell you have made a great choice. We have a great bunch here to help each other out.

  • Andi77Andi77 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
    Waking up to all these wonderful messages, I have cheek aches from smiling! So awesome to meet you all. Bob @highmtn , thank you for your warm welcome, and Marco @doc_ramadani , I will definitely take your advice on visiting these forums on a regular basis to listen to students' demos and read what comments are made. Not sure at this stage about making comments myself, we'll see how things go. I ordered the USB package and am still waiting for them to arrive in the post and could take some time to Oz, so the Forums is where I'm at for now. Lots of time to find my way around.

    Chris! @cwcw Argh! I'm so Excited by this Weekly Assignment in the Collaborative Demos section!!! That sounds brilliant, thank you for sharing this with me, I would love to participate. As soon as my course arrives in the mail, I'm on it! I will sneak a peek at all those who are posting demos to get a feel for what I'm up against, lol! (And going by Docs advice, I MUST involve myself in forums as much as possible ) lol! Where in the USA are you from? I lived in PA for a few years, my Husband is from there.

    Hello George! @Vocality All the way from Scotland, my goodness, we are from all corners of the world here. How exciting. So you play keyboard and judging by your pic, guitar too? I dabble a little with keyboard, just playing by ear. My kids also try and teach me a song or two on guitar, but if I don't keep playing it, I forget how to! Obviously I don't read music. I'm hoping my much smarter than I, kids will help me out if that comes into play with this course along the way. Lovely to meet you George.

    Victor, @victortang sounds to me like singing IS your life! Same here, I'm so passionate about it, it's the only thing I actually LOVE to do. Had the internet and youtube been an accessible device for us as teens as it is for teens nowadays, imagine what we would have become! And Ken Tamplin of course! Well, you have become much more than I ever did, wow! Amazing history there Victor. You really made my heart skip a beat while reading your story, because it just goes to show, IT IS REAL, IT IS POSSIBLE! I will be working hard at this, mark my words. I've never had a lesson or any training, and I've never sung in public. Well, that's not true, I sing alot, but its always with music etc., People always say, oh wow, great voice, but, I don't really believe them. If I did, I'd be up on a stage sharing it. I know it's not good enough for that. I have been in a recording studio once singing back up vocals for a comedy trio who released an album in Europe, It's actually more like rapping rather than vocals, and it's in a foreign language. I think they chose me because I had a funky accent when I spoke in that language. Nothing I'm too proud of, get this - It's a song about... 'I know you have a pimple on your ass!'. How's that for an awesome and proud resume, lol! They were a funny trio tho. That's about the peak of my singing history. I hope to change that now.
    BTW., I would love to hear you sing John Farnhams- Please Don't ask Me, I love that song too! Congratulations on the Audition for Australia's Got Talent, and so what happened with YoyoMusic? You have so much going on. All the best Victor and it's so great to meet you!
  • cwcwcwcw 2.0 PRO Posts: 412
    @Andi77 , Glad to see you jumping in so quickly! Great that you had an opportunity to live in the States! And, a husband from PA? Tell him I said hello or g'day mate! I'm next door in the Cinci, Ohio area. Small world. :)

    As for waiting for your USB package to get started, you don't need to. Here's an excerpt from the Welcome email you received after your purchase.

    If you purchased one of our DVD or USB options, we'll be mailing those to you shortly! While you're waiting, you can login to the KTVA student content portal with the username and password you created while signing up... and we've given you 1 month of free streaming access. So you can get started while you wait for your material to arrive!
  • Andi77Andi77 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
    Thank you Chris! @cwcw So much to sort through at once, I completely overlooked this, Thank you! But please don't expect an assignment of Michael Buble up yet from me... My goal is to jump in next week! Fingers crossed :blush:
  • Andi77Andi77 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
    @victortang you sing 'please don't ask me' with beautiful emotions, I closed my eyes to listen. That is such a big song, well done. Thank you for sharing that. I appreciate how busy you are and that was so lovely.
    The universe is always speaking to us - we just need to learn to listen. I believe that is how I came to find myself here at KTVA.
    Exciting times ahead for you Victor, I'm a keen follower of yours.
  • Andi77Andi77 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
    @victortang Wow... how weird is that!? Well, you know you are on the right path then don't you. Keep those senses alive my friend! I love hearing stuff like this.
  • cwcwcwcw 2.0 PRO Posts: 412
    No worries on taking on assignment, @Andi77 . Zero pressure. I just didn't want you to miss out on the fun of starting KTVA right away. :)
  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    Hi @Andi77 I am Diego, from Honduras.
    I've been singing for the past 6-7 years. Started taking it seriously about 4 years ago. Been working non-stop since then.
    I already saw you did join us on our weekly assignments! But I thought this introduction was necessary as it good to be well acquainted with your classmates.
    Anyways, nice to meet you!
  • Andi77Andi77 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
    edited March 2019
    Nice to meet you too Diego! I have listened to some of your assignments submitted in the collaborative Demo section, you have a very nice voice. You seem to help others out a lot in the forums too - good man. I haven't had a chance to upload anything yet, but next week is my week! I have quite a bit to work on, the journey is long, but I am truly excited to be on it. It's great to make your acquaintance Diego :smiley:@Diego
  • Gaston_JaureguiGaston_Jauregui Moderator, Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,004
    @Andi77 hi welcome from Mexico you came to the right place! this program works and is the best in the market with the right info hope you enjoy it!
  • Andi77Andi77 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
    Hi @Gaston_Jauregui , I have just received my usb in the post and am truly ready to get into a daily routine now, I have met such wonderful people here in the forums, with such great support, I really don't see how this could be any better! Lovely to meet you!
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