Microphone position during performance

Tomorrow I am performing my first gig in years (outdoors farmers market). Any tips on microphone placement/position, relative to my head? How far from the mic should I be?
I am playing guitar at the same time, so no holding the mic in my hand.
I am playing guitar at the same time, so no holding the mic in my hand.
with the dynamic microphones (i.e. Shure SM58, ...) we normally use for live performances @Michael4000 is absolut right.
Since I am also preparing for an upcoming show, I was looking into it a bit myself .
what @Michael4000 said, plus, depending on the level you sing at you can actually "eat the mic" and touch it with your lips, good on softer parts (if the mic is yours or clean, some are really grubby and then probs best to avoid this). also, make sure the mic does not cover your face, you can point it to your mouth from slightly below, people want to see your face vs. it being covered by the mic.
The other issue is that because our praise band is not paid and everyone has a job, we only get one hor to run through the songs together and they we are live. I can not fix this but what is the best way for me to deal with it?