BigZab from the U. K.

Hi all on here I'm thinking of purchasing the program is there anyone from the UK who has bought it and can comment on it.
Many thanks BigZab


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2019
    Hi @BigZab! I'm from the UK. The only thing that being a Brit makes a difference to is that when Ken refers to vowel sounds, he uses American vowel sounds, which are mostly completely different to British English ones. I find that I had to focus a lot to remember what he was referring to, until I'd done the workouts so many times that it became more ingrained. An example is his phrase, "It's the LAW! AH!", which you may have heard in several of his free videos. We pronounce "law" and "ah" completely differently to each other, whereas for him, they rhyme. But these differences in accent are true for students all over the world, not just for us. We just have to adapt. The course is well worth it. You won't regret it!
  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    Welcome to the forums!
    We have in this forum people all around the world.
    You make the right choice in choosing KTVA as it is one of the best methods out there.
    We have the forums to make sure that, If you ever get stuck in some part of the course... we're here to help you.
    Just ask and we'll answer your doubts.
  • Gaston_JaureguiGaston_Jauregui Moderator, Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,004
    @BigZab this is the best program you'll ever find online, and probably even if you went to a good teacher, it has a lot of information that its not taught on regular vocal lessons, and teachers tell you "it can't be done" it des mythifies many stuff you've heard somewhere on teachers and youtube, it has hundreds of hours worth studying that really work and help you grow your voice its worth every penny

    hope this helps :)
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @BigZab,

    I am Marco from Germany. A very warm Welcome. You could have made no better choice than joining us. @Sophia is from the UK. Maybe she can give you feedback. So to say from countrywoman to countryman.

  • BigZabBigZab Member Posts: 2
    Thanks to all who have been gracious and replied I'm sure the course will prove to be of great value👍🎤🎶
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606
    @BigZab Welcome from UK

    Yes from Scotland been on the course for nearly 5 months this course does work for me, if you have the dedication to do 1 hour 5-6 Days a week your voice will grow significantly.

    Go for it


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