If you mean from Opera as in clasically trained. I can name Dimash Kudaibergen, Josh Groban, David Phelps, Lady Gaga, Bjork, Beyoncé. The question itself is pretty confusing. But that's mostly what I can name.
Thank u for that yeah lemme rephrase it .. Can you name singers who used to sing opera stuffs or opera trained and fhen later on chooses to sing popular songs?
Hmm don't know about who came from opera but I know of one who went to opera for a while. Paul Stanley of KISS was mostly rock but then he tried out for the Broadway Phantom of the Opera and got the lead roll amd was actually pretty darn good at it now he's back into rock again but if you look up video clips you'll see him
Have to bump this up since i found another amazing one who had classical opera training: Giánnis Papadópoulos currently singing in heavy metal band called "Beast in Black". Here is some examples of his talent:
But that's mostly what I can name.
Most famous track:
Great Nightwish cover (Soprano)
Something fresh: