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I tried MM and one thing that is a time waster is the male/female format being combined. Does KTVA course have totally separate male female such that i can put only male in one folder and let it play in my playlist no female. and also within lessons never have to fast forward past female parts?


  • cwcwcwcw 2.0 PRO Posts: 412
    Yes. KTVA has completely separate exercises for Dudes and Divas. I jump to the Dudes workouts and I'm all set.
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    edited February 2019
    @Bobmane, I am a male, too. The course is very well-thought. You will find all exercises prepared ready to go. If you consider getting the course: "The course + ProPacks" would be a wise choice. Material for YEARS!!!! Believe me.

  • cwcwcwcw 2.0 PRO Posts: 412
    @bobmane Let me clarify one thing, Bob. There are separate Dudes and Diva exercises, but there are some instances where the Dudes and Divas are the same exercise, except that the Divas sing up the octave like you see Ken do on the Youtube videos. To your original question, Dudes and Diva exercises are never combined like what you're describing.
  • bobmanebobmane Member Posts: 6
    OK cool thanks. I noticed it says Version 2. Is there a Version 1 and a completely 100% different Version 2? Or is Version 2 just adding new stuff to what was Version 1?
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    Version 2 added a lot more content and organized the content to be more fluid for students based on Ken's expanded experience.
  • bobmanebobmane Member Posts: 6
    Are there guitar string squeaks on scale exercises? (heard some in an online video)
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Bob, @bobmane

    Are there guitar string squeaks on scale exercises? (heard some in an online video)

    yes, that is true. There are guitar squeaks on the scale exercises. On all volumes. I love them when I sing along with Ken. It shows me, that he is real. And man, he CAN SING, HE DEFINITELY CAN SING.

    If you are looking for sterile exercises - do not buy the course.


  • bobmanebobmane Member Posts: 6
    Still seems valuable but why would a seasoned gtr-ist not imagine successive squeaks might not work for everyone or impose that on clients. If recording a record the norm would be less sqeaks is better. personally I hate them. why not use nylon or elec??????
  • cwcwcwcw 2.0 PRO Posts: 412
    @bobmane Fair point, but you'd have to ask Ken that question.

    What we know for sure is that Ken is focusing on the singing. The guitar is merely a minor tool. Furthermore, it seems that Ken records most things in one take, and so there are occasional minor faux-pas in the course, just like there are sometimes in his youtube videos.

    Like Doc, I'm a guitar player (35+ years), and the guitar squeaks just aren't a deal for us. Likewise, the minor faux-pas aren't an issue for me. I'm more concerned about the training and the message than the N-th degree polish on the delivery - for this type of course. I have very high production standards for other things, but they don't bother me in this case.

    If any of those things are a hurdle for you, and understandably so, then there might be other, better options for you.
  • bobmanebobmane Member Posts: 6
    makes sense. Ken certainly is a genius, is gifted and appears to be the best teacher out there. consider it a request. as readily as Ken can do a scale my request is make some alt lessons with piano or no-squeak gtr. Purchasing something that I would listen to repeatedly for years it matters to me.
  • cwcwcwcw 2.0 PRO Posts: 412
    Actually, Bob, there are two types of exercises in the lessons for volumes 1-3. - Ken-guided and piano only.

    I bought Pro, so I have 5 volumes plus pro-packs. Volumes 4 and 5 only contain Ken-guided exercises. I'm only on volume 1 and I've been doing the Ken-guided exercises, and honestly, I've not heard any squeaking guitar. That's not to say that it's not there, but for the 3 months I've been doing them, I haven't noticed.

    The last thing anyone wants is to be disappointed with their purchase. I was doing Ken's free youtube stuff off-and-on for years before I bought in November 2018. I was concerned about being disappointed - just really didn't know what to expect. It has been a great course, and the guys on this forum, like Doc and others are great. No regret.

    It is a lot of work. On the one hand it seems simplistic, but mastery of the alleged simple is not something easily done. I'll be on this course for years.

    As an example, Scott Redwing @scottredwingproject just celebrated 2 years of KTVA and here's how far he's come
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dFPBpicksg If I remember his story correctly, he had little or no prior singing experience.

    In the end, you have to decide what's more important. I like Ken's philosophy, so other things don't matter that much to me. If you can get the singing philosophy you want and also the polished production, go for it. I'm not big on buyer's remorse. :)
  • bobmanebobmane Member Posts: 6
    Oh good to know about the alt piano if needed. Thanks for the info and props to Scott!
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