
I really worry that I’ve lost falsetto for good.
Straining at the top . Now I have only a whisper falsetto/ whistle
Any advice how to get it back?
I really worry that I’ve lost falsetto for good.
Straining at the top . Now I have only a whisper falsetto/ whistle
Any advice how to get it back?
@IraR already gave you golden tipps. I have a question: did this happen all at a sudden (overnight) or was it a longer process? - I guess it was a longer process. Your vocal chords might have become swollen. If this happened try to sing very lightly with as less air as possible for a longer time to give you body the time to reverse this change.
To answer your question Doc, I didn’t notice because Over a long period I was staying away from falsetto and then when I did need it is was gone. I am in a male voice choir and we hadn’t sung anything quiet above ‘A ‘ for quite a long time . I had been able to belt out the high notes for the repertoire we were singing with good success . Recently we have returned to a few softer songs with Bb and the lads use falsetto. I have to drop out on those notes now which is very distressing and I now fear some of the repertoire . I was an ever present for small group singing at small venues like Retirement homes , hospitals etc , charity stuff but now I have to worry who else is attending because I can no longer falsetto those Bb/A’s without volume. I’m hoping that Ken’s course will help me get those high notes without flipping into falsetto.
I am sure this course will bring it back. But I would really focus on singing in a light configuration. Do prevent singing too loud. Let resonance do the job.
I feel better having read the comments.
Singing is a big part of my life and this problem is quite depressing so your advice is very welcome.
When you do the headvoice program work on the brightest vowel you can possibly do, again, dont over sing in your head voice either , if you can make an "Uh" or and "EE" (those are the ones you might be able to work at first because those are small vowels), start on them and then try another until little by little you bring the brightness back on all of them dont over do it, once you are capable of doing a bright Ah in falsetto /head voice youll be capable of do probably all of them, but dont rush, make sure you are not rasping or shouting, if you find yourself doing it in some part of the work out, stop, and work on the part of the range that is brighter only until litlle by lttle you take your voice up and/or down until you match the brightness and clearness, then change the vowel if possible and so on, it will take time so dont rush on that, and always work on your chest voice the next day or same day if you can do both
hope this helps
PS if anyone reads this and doesnt have this same problem, just follow the KTVA program, this is only if you have this type of problems, where you dont have any head voice at all