Ups and downs (and sometimes getting stabbed in the back) is the life of a professional singer!

So it’s been a while since I’ve updated my progress but I have to say that lately my singing journey has been very exciting.
Not only am I singing in a Led Zeppelin tribute band and getting a good reception to my vocals, but I am also singing in another classic rock cover band where I sing Rush, Foreigner and Led Zeppelin, as well as singing lead in an originals band.
To illustrate the ups and downs I’ve found as a singer, as well as the need for a thick skin, let me elaborate what happened in the space of the last two days:
Last night I sang a set of Rush, Foreigner and Led Zeppelin and got rave reviews on my vocals.
The promoter was ecstatic and said she was in love with my voice and couldn’t wait to get my other bands more shows so she could hear me singing more Zeppelin. She was very impressed by my ability to nail high notes in difficult songs like Fly By Night, Immigrant Song, etc.
I was feeling so happy that my hard work and vocal training from KTVA was beginning to get recognition.....and then.......
Tonight the drummer in the original band who can’t carry a tune sent a lengthy message to the bassist and guitarist.
He basically said I couldn’t sing and said that unless he was chosen as the new lead singer of the band, he would quit.
My bassist and guitarist took my side and said that they were sorry he felt that way, and so he left.
They assured me that they thought I was a great singer but I was somewhat hurt that the drummer would stab me in the back like that.
I had fought the other members previously to give this drummer a shot at singing backing vocals on our songs at the last recording session, despite his vocal limitations.
Not only that, but I had lent him money during a rough patch where he lost his home and was living out of his car.
My point is no matter how high you might be riding on your professional successes, there will always be someone waiting around the corner to bring you down.
A thick skin is required to be a singer!
Not only am I singing in a Led Zeppelin tribute band and getting a good reception to my vocals, but I am also singing in another classic rock cover band where I sing Rush, Foreigner and Led Zeppelin, as well as singing lead in an originals band.
To illustrate the ups and downs I’ve found as a singer, as well as the need for a thick skin, let me elaborate what happened in the space of the last two days:
Last night I sang a set of Rush, Foreigner and Led Zeppelin and got rave reviews on my vocals.
The promoter was ecstatic and said she was in love with my voice and couldn’t wait to get my other bands more shows so she could hear me singing more Zeppelin. She was very impressed by my ability to nail high notes in difficult songs like Fly By Night, Immigrant Song, etc.
I was feeling so happy that my hard work and vocal training from KTVA was beginning to get recognition.....and then.......
Tonight the drummer in the original band who can’t carry a tune sent a lengthy message to the bassist and guitarist.
He basically said I couldn’t sing and said that unless he was chosen as the new lead singer of the band, he would quit.
My bassist and guitarist took my side and said that they were sorry he felt that way, and so he left.
They assured me that they thought I was a great singer but I was somewhat hurt that the drummer would stab me in the back like that.
I had fought the other members previously to give this drummer a shot at singing backing vocals on our songs at the last recording session, despite his vocal limitations.
Not only that, but I had lent him money during a rough patch where he lost his home and was living out of his car.
My point is no matter how high you might be riding on your professional successes, there will always be someone waiting around the corner to bring you down.
A thick skin is required to be a singer!
I'm super sorry to hear that. Maybe God's closing a door on him so a door for someone even better to walk through. Will pray for your former drummer cause it sounds like he's given up inside and let the seed of jealousy enter his heart instead.
Thanks to you both for sharing this