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Isnt it much easier to sing above your speaking range?

Isnt it much easier to sing above your speaking range? I find that when I use support from the diaphragm when singing with power I feel like I am drawn higher. Some teachers, including mine, says that for higher notes it is important to think "down". I like this a lot. I really feel like support forces me up. When I hum a note with support i often end up on F#3 which is really my highest speaking pitch (if just talking normally). I use classical singing rather than pop singing. My power is above the speaking range. I feel like there is a mechanism in singing that forces my up to the higher notes.


  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    I am basso profundo and I sing much lower than my speaking range. It is much easier for me to go down rather than up.
  • ingentingingenting Member Posts: 23
    HuduVudu said:

    I am basso profundo and I sing much lower than my speaking range. It is much easier for me to go down rather than up.

    I find that when singing in my speaking in my speaking range I have a heavier feeling than if I sing about it.
    Is this just because I am a tenor who speak using my lower notes?
    Lower note are heavier, right?
    I was told they could be heavier. Thus a tenor should note start dibhing in the speaking voice when doing warm-ups.
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    I don't think that your speaking range is really relevant in regards to singing. When I practice my singing I work the extent of my range (F2-B4). I work both my chest and my head in that range, as I can. There are many considerations that come into play that aren't really relevant in speaking but are in singing.

    For me even though lower notes require more undertones (are heavier) they are much easier muscularly than higher notes where I have to configure my vocal tract in ways that I am very much not used too.

    I don't really agree with SLS because I don't believe that singing is akin to speaking. Proper singing has so many more things that are required to do it properly, and all of those things are not something you would learn organically from speaking. Truth is real singing is work and many people because they see good singers think that it is easy and that they won't have to dedicate time and energy to building the foundational techniques that they need to properly sing. It is because the good singers make it seem so easy. There are no outward signs like there would be on a football player or a powerlifter to give us a clue that something is happening to get these people to these places.

    That's my two cents.
  • ingentingingenting Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2019
    She, the teacher, simply said that starting with your lowest notes with very chesty power is like starting to lift heavy stuff at a warm-up at a gym. I agree. So C3 for me would be heavier and F#3 a bit lighter. I guess thicker vocal folds make thing heavier.
    I am aware that there os a big difference between using C#3 when speaking and singing as sing requiers more power. Even if I were to warm-up my speaking voice I would start a bit lighter, ie not not extreme heavy chesty voice.
    Also, lower notes requier being relaxed. Thus low notes can be more difficult.
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    I am not sure why you are of the mind that the lower notes require more power. If by power you mean they require more undertones then this I agree with. However if by power you mean more energy to expend then I don't agree. I don't need to relax to hit lower notes I don't need to warm up for them. I however must work really hard to relax to reach higher notes. It takes some warm up for me to be able to properly hit the top of my range and get control of it. Low notes for me are not more difficult they are a breeze and higher notes are very difficult for me.

    I warm up in the lower ranges because for me trying to warm up in the higher ranges is like lifting heavy weights in the gym as a warm up. If I did this it would tear my voice apart. I don't think that you are really grasping that everyone works different and one size does NOT fit all. What works for you may or may not work for me. How you experience certain things may not be how I experience even though we are both doing the same thing.
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