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Hi I'm New here, and I need Help

TyphAle99TyphAle99 Member Posts: 3
edited May 2019 in Welcome
Hey Guys it's a pleasure to be here and thanks to all the Staff for accepting me.
I've been singing since 1year and 8 months, and I always trained my voice to go very high.
I always thought that I could go very high in Full Chest voice (up to C#5), but I recently read something about chesty mix, and now I don't know anymore. I honestly can say that my notes sound fuller than these mix, but it doesn't sound like my voice in the middle register. I will post something
This the Part in Under Pressure " Gets me High High High"
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0kiNiBOmULH this shows the difference between my middle notes, and high notes.
What do you think, is this chest?


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