The diaphragm is an unconscious muscle, we can speak about tension in other muscles. Tension in shouders, neck, is hard to get rid of, move it a bit, try to be aware of yourself tensing up, and let go. Sounds easy but is hard to do, specially when singing high notes.
@hollow_kurosaki88 What Max means is that we cannot consciously control the diaphragm. It just does what it is "programmed" to do - allows us to breath. Unlike our biceps for example, which we can contract and relax at will, and hold in either state, the diaphragm contracts and relaxes at-will simply by taking a breath and releasing that breath. Outside of breathing, we cannot actively engage the diaphragm.
Tension in shouders, neck, is hard to get rid of, move it a bit, try to be aware of yourself tensing up, and let go.
Sounds easy but is hard to do, specially when singing high notes.