Hi from Kazakhstan!

AdiletAdilet Enrolled Posts: 2
Hello guys! My name is Adilet and I am from Kazakhstan/Astana. I've been singing since i was 4 or 5 without any teachers. But it was just for fun! At age 16, I wanted to start to sing more professionally. I had took vocal lessons from local teachers and it didn't help me to what i wanted, then i started to learn english and tried to find something that really can help me on internet. I really like R'n'B, Soul, Pop styles(Stevie Wonder, Brian McKnight, Boyz II men, Michael Jackson, Michael Bolton, Usher, Robin Thicke, Seal, Bruno Mars Craig David, etc..) and  I found Seth Riggs/Brett Manning technique. I thought that is what i was looking for. I realized that it's not helping me and i think i'm losing my chest voice(it was stronger). I'm baritone, i can hit some tenor notes but it is sick and without power. I kept listening that great singers and working on my voice. I hoped in one day i can be a really good singer and hit very high notes with great power and without strain. About 5-6 month ago, i found Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy. I thought it was not for me and i didn't pay attention, because he is a rocker and he couldn't help me. But i found a lot of his videos and good reviews that helped  many people(not only rockers). so i decided to make money and buy his course. Right now I'm downloading it( my internet is not so fast). Anyway, in couple hours i hope i will download it. i can't wait to start, wish me luck :)I hope it will help me and be a great singer as i want!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited January 2013


    Welcome to KTVA.  You will find that Ken Tamplin's vocal methods will strengthen your voice far beyond anything you have experienced in the past.  This power and strength will help you in all aspects of your voice, even if you don't particularly want to be a Rocker. 

    Your voice is going to grow like CRAZY. 

    Learn from Ken's lessons, and apply what you learn to the style of music you wish to pursue.

    Nice to meet you. 

    If you have questions, or need help, just ask.


  • AdiletAdilet Enrolled Posts: 2
    ok, thanks Bob!
  • FarawayGuyFarawayGuy Pro Posts: 38
    Hello to Kazakhstan from Russia! Welcome aboard! Nice to know that we ( I mean normal people) are together no matter what! I wish you good luck and to achieve the top of the hill!
  • AdiletAdilet Enrolled Posts: 2
    Thanks man, i really appreciate that! I wish you too
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