New here, question on course purchase

I've seen some reference to this, but am still unsure how to proceed. I have never trained before, and would be a classic Idol Reject.. I'm very tempted to buy the main course, but assuming I have success working through it will I be able to buy the next level course alone? 1200 is a heck of a gamble when I dont know if I'll need/want/or graduate to the more advanced levels, but I dont want to keep buying the material I already own either. What do I do??
The one post said to email but to do it sooner rather than later, I wont be ready to send that email until I've completed the main course which I'm assuming would be MUCH later lol
The one post said to email but to do it sooner rather than later, I wont be ready to send that email until I've completed the main course which I'm assuming would be MUCH later lol
Eh, never mind. I bit the bullet and bought the course!