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Everyone Please Watch my video and give me as much positive/negative feedback as possible thanks :)


  • Jonny WilkinsonJonny Wilkinson Enrolled Posts: 44
    Just to add I just moved back onto stage 3 of the program  last week
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388


    Nice tone!  Good job of keeping it bright and thinning down the weight for the upper midrange!  Great pitch!  Nice support!  Nice high G! A, too...

    Good job keeping tension out of your chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and throat!

    I especially like the part that starts around 3:50. 

    Your voice has improved a lot since you last posted.  I like that we can actually see you in this video.  Your voice seems to have matured into a more professional version of what you used to sound like in your posts from last July.  Seems to have more of a "sheen" on it now, and I don't mean the reverb.  I think you've made some breakthroughs that are bringing out the natural beauty in your voice, especially around the F# areas. 

    Good job keeping the jaw open and sustaining the vowels!

    Nice feeling.  Excellent recording.


    You've been doing your homework!

    Ken told you to work on your support and work on keeping your throat open, and it sounds to me like you have followed his advice. 

    Folks, if you want to see what applying KTVA diligently for a few months can do, just compare Jonny's voice from July to his voice the following January.  He has natural talent that he walked in the door with, but to that he has added the power, tone, and support he has learned from applying Ken's lessons and exercises.  Startling by comparison!




    Well done, good and faithful student, well done!


  • Jonny WilkinsonJonny Wilkinson Enrolled Posts: 44
    thanks Bob that means a lot! I've been doing stage 3 morning and evening and i've just found my voice feels really free, and my range just keeps on expanding. I will be posting a cover of Alterbridge's "wonderful life" very soon,  I think Myles Kennedy has an incredible head and chest mix! Thanks for the great feedback bob and thankyou for taking the time to listen :)
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Great work. Nice bright tone and great support. You made it look effortless! On the last chorus you could open up a few of the vowels to make it easier. Put a little Eh into the word Wind and a little more Ah into the I. Also a little more Eh into wheels. Great job keep on rockin'
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Great work. Nice bright tone and great support. You made it look effortless! On the last chorus you could open up a few of the vowels to make it easier. Put a little Eh into the word Wind and a little more Ah into the I. Also a little more Eh into wheels. Great job keep on rockin'
  • Jonny WilkinsonJonny Wilkinson Enrolled Posts: 44
    thanks sspatrick :) yeh i'll definately take your advice on board. i sometimes slip up on the ee's especially, im working on keeping them open and shaking off tension. thanks 4 taking the time 2 listen/ feedback :) 
  • Jonny WilkinsonJonny Wilkinson Enrolled Posts: 44
    Also my friend and I were bored so we added drums/guitar solo/electric guitar and bass to the mix in post. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JDZL475zvUo
  • jonathanjonathan Enrolled, 2.0 PRO Posts: 7
    myleskennedyfan88 Really nice singing! Like your tone and it looks effortless.

    Well done!

  • Jonny WilkinsonJonny Wilkinson Enrolled Posts: 44
    thanks dude :) glad you enjoyed it !
  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    edited 2013 26
    Yeah man genuinely big ups from here. Your tone is excellently compressed and crystal clear; sounds like a seasoned rock musician!
    As others mentioned the section after the solo is probably just a little bit out of your comfort zone in terms of range causing you to lose control of the compression in a few places with a slightly shrill sound there. You do actually just about nail the high passage
    "I am the sky"  at 4:34'ish though, so I'm sure you just need a bit more stamina/experience in staying up there.
  • Jonny WilkinsonJonny Wilkinson Enrolled Posts: 44
    thanks ragnar :) much appreciated, yeah I naturally have a really clean voice, but for this song I wanted to add some grit and distortion in the chris cornell vein. Im working on sustaining grit in the upper range but i still find in challenging between the A and high C. I'll keep plugging away and post another video shortly :)
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