Does anyone have tips to improve OFF TIMING issues? The band I joined uses backtracking music and it can be disastrous when I (front singer) either don't come in on the right spot, or come in too early. I practice with the tracks when I'm home, but then when we are performing out, some how I keep missing the cues, even after doing it correctly at home. they just sound different! I do own a metronome, but there are songs that change rhythm at the intro or bridges so a straightforward beat isn't always consistent. Thanks for any help you can offer!
You need to spend some time everyday on it but your timing will get better.
do your band mates to a click track, too? - Maybe it would be helpful if you could hear it to. It would also be possible with spoken hints ("bridge, 2, 3 4", "Chorus, 2, 3, 4", ...) as an own track for you.
My 2 cents,
If you play an instrument, try to play the chords and basic rhythmic structure of the song, and sing along. Find out areas where you might be less 'sure' where you have to start, and work on those areas. You want to always do it right, so you basically practice it until you can't get it wrong.
Not much of advice, but couldn't come up with much more right now. These musical concepts simply take time to develop, but you need to know how to develop it. Concentrate and practice on the 'weak' points, it will pay off.
All the best,