Alice in Chains - Man in the box Vocal Cover

Hey guys, here's a new video cover of Man in the box by Alice in Chains. It's really a tough tune and I tried my best to give it justice. I've been finally practicing singing since I'm on my summer break from college and most of my voice health is back and better than ever. Also easing it back into compression, my mix register is really picking up that rasp and it feels great, no strain on cords whatsoever. I watched a lesson on this song that Ken did with Gaby so few tips also helped. Would love to hear your thoughts on this take. I'd appreciate if you left a comment on the video, it really does help. Thanks everyone! Dorian

I saw you post on Reddit too hahaha!
Thanks my dude, appreciate it!
Hahahah yeah, I've been lurking on Reddit from time to time. SEO and Youtube supposedly pick up on reddit posts aswell so I said might aswell post it there
pretty good work. I read that you worked on that for the technique for years. A you worked good. What I miss a little bit is the energy and vibe of the song. You sound a little to well-behaved for this iconic song.
I think Ken's student Gabriella found the real sweet spot between controlled technique and the energy this song screams for:
My 2 cents.
Yea, someone pointed that out in one of the comments, and I do have to agree. I really went carefully into choruses just because it's Layne Staley and one of their most iconic songs. I have to admit, while recording I had a thought in the back of my head that I let get to me as in: I need to do this right because I just can't screw this up, it's too big of a song. Really, it kind is a mental game aswell. But we learn from some of our mistakes and I did get general positive feedback which is just an auto boost in motivation for the future! And yeah, Gaby is a BEAST!
Thanks for your comment, appreciate it!
You nailed it.
A beautiful song and very hard to sing.
I think you delivered the song the right way.
I heard it without watching the video and it sounded so professional!
I wish I could get that rasp up in that range without slightly forcing it.
I had this linked to me recently so just gonna forward it: "You got to bleed a little while you sing".
On a serious note, I think you still do have to "force" a bit to get the compresison just right and enough so it can ultimately result with a rasp in voice.