
Hi all,
My name is Ben. I'm 37 years old, at the Central Coast of California.
I have been a drummer, guitarist, and bassist for 24 years, and have done some recording and touring. I never put much work in my singing and was always self-conscious about my ability.
One day I asked myself, "What is one thing I wish I could do well?" and was surprised to find that my biggest desire was to sing better. I have been doing the course for about six months now (3 months in Volume 1, 3 months in Volume 2 so far) and have already seen noticeable improvements.
My name is Ben. I'm 37 years old, at the Central Coast of California.
I have been a drummer, guitarist, and bassist for 24 years, and have done some recording and touring. I never put much work in my singing and was always self-conscious about my ability.
One day I asked myself, "What is one thing I wish I could do well?" and was surprised to find that my biggest desire was to sing better. I have been doing the course for about six months now (3 months in Volume 1, 3 months in Volume 2 so far) and have already seen noticeable improvements.
a warm Welcome also from Germany. I am Marco and I am 49.
You have come to the right place. Loads of people here to help you out, or if you just want to talk/discuss. The forum is a very valuable addition to the course!
All the best,
Developing one's voice is a major asset and has won me the gig more than a few times.
Dig deep and stay the course and you'll reap the results!