My 1st Condensor Mic
Finally decided on buying my first condensor mic after 10 months on the course and decided to buy Rode nt1a bundle, got it a really good price in the uk £135. In my opinion it's great value comes with pop shield, quality xlr cable and shock mount. This is a large diaphram condensor mic and only just set it up, noticed it replicates my voice quite accurately and having the convenience of being able to sing further away from the mic was useful compared to my dynamic mic.
It's a very sensative mic so may need to look at making an acoustic insulated booth of some sort though @doc_ramadani has the same mic and he mentioned it was a little harsh, reckon that was down to trebel boost circuitry and that can be adjusted by turning the mic offset reduces top end a little.
Well looking forward to experimenting with my new purchase, it certainly feels a decent quality build and with a 10 year warranty pretty good.

It's a very sensative mic so may need to look at making an acoustic insulated booth of some sort though @doc_ramadani has the same mic and he mentioned it was a little harsh, reckon that was down to trebel boost circuitry and that can be adjusted by turning the mic offset reduces top end a little.
Well looking forward to experimenting with my new purchase, it certainly feels a decent quality build and with a 10 year warranty pretty good.

Will experiment to find the best results.
Just saying, but, things that cause problems with acoustics are many uneven surfaces found in a room (books, chairs, desks, tvs and so on), metallic surfaces, glass. A few cushions in a semi circle around the back of the microphone, a wardrobe with doors opened being useful, seems to work. Then I apply digital reverb to my songs in my Reaper software. Nothing like a good room with good acoustics of course, but it works.
@Dogmeat Rode is a good make and the further up the food chain we go in more expensive mics the increments of improvement narrow anyway, so much looking forward to using the new mic in my future demos.
I found this guide extremely informative and helpful when I was acoustically treating my booth:
you know that I think that the NT-1A is a little bit harsh but nevertheless it is a great choice for us newbies to make our first experiences with a large diaphragm condensor I still use it and it does a good job. But ... it is a little bit harsh.
Congrats, George.
@doc_ramadani Marco hope you had a nice break, there no point in spending loads on a mic at this moment and like you said it’s ideal for beginners. Happy with my purchase it’s a step up in quality from my dynamic mic.