Again... equivalent of KTVA for, piano?

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Hi guys, I asked if there was a course for guitar like the KYVA for voice, where things are actually EXPLAINED (you're not just repeating what the teacher does like a monkey), and explained IN ORDER.
I'm ready to spend the bucks, I don't care, I just want to stop loosing time, and I know it takes years to get good, I'm not scared of this either, I'm just looking for help, for piano, thanks.
Also, talking about guitar, I like the Justin Guitar site they mentioned, tho it still starts by going through a bunch of the same beginner chords, A E Am D G ecc, and I'm like brain deadly learning them, while Ken alone on the pro packs, goes straight to "major and minor chords, the only difference is one note, here's how to play any chord...".
I forgot to mention, I want to learn how to write music, that's why I'm so in need of "explained" and "in order" stuff...
I'm ready to spend the bucks, I don't care, I just want to stop loosing time, and I know it takes years to get good, I'm not scared of this either, I'm just looking for help, for piano, thanks.
Also, talking about guitar, I like the Justin Guitar site they mentioned, tho it still starts by going through a bunch of the same beginner chords, A E Am D G ecc, and I'm like brain deadly learning them, while Ken alone on the pro packs, goes straight to "major and minor chords, the only difference is one note, here's how to play any chord...".
I forgot to mention, I want to learn how to write music, that's why I'm so in need of "explained" and "in order" stuff...
I think, before i go any further, i would need to know what your current musical knowledge is. At some point, after playing guitar for so long, i decided to really start learning how music works. I didn't even know where all the notes were on the fretboard at that point, let alone know how you use all those notes, but i could already play some good guitar. So my understanding of music needed to catch up with my playing abilities.
So, what do you know about music, and how well can you play? There is also a big differences between knowing something, and being fluent in it. I know more about music than i am fluent in it, for now. So i actively work out my weaknesses and try to become fluent in the musical concepts and music i learn. If you know these things, it also makes it easier to find a resource that can really help you. At least for me it was.
All the best,
If someone was searching for the right course for singing, he would be lucky to ask me, because I could tell him about ktva right away, after trying many others, I wish I can find the same "me" who knows about piano ahah
So it seems you need to start at the very basics. Something like Justinguitar is a pretty good place to start learning for that, and its free. There is also, or the course made by Music Is Win. those are both subscriptions, and they get really good reviews. Tyler from Music Is Win sure knows what he is talking about, but i don't know exactly how his subscription is structured. I think it does cover basics and theory.
Personally, i combine resources. I learn some from youtube, i buy a (e)book etc. Also thinking about having a subscription somewhere for certain content i want to have access to. It's very important to actually apply everything you learn to your own playing and writing. You also really need to do exercises to memorize and become fluent. You mentioned the circle of fifth, which i highly recommend you memorize. But there are several ways. Eventually you just want to be able to recall it without having to think too much about it. And whilst you memorize the major keys of the circle of fifth, and the minor keys, you will keep learning more about it, but you'll always need the memory.
There are so many examples i can give you, but go and check out some of those services. Some also offer sneak peeks to what to they offer. Try and make sure it contains what you want to learn, and just start there. You can always stop your subscription, buy a different books, combine methods etc.
Its important to commit for a while to certain exercises and methods. You can always switch methods and change things up, but you have to start somewhere. Everything you gain is not lost.
Let me know if you need some help.
All the best,