total beginner at 61 years old

hi... this is actually the second singing class i signed up for. The first one was terrible and i quickly learned that i would learn nothing there. SO... not one to give up that easily, i signed up for Ken Tamplin's class... Already things are looking better. Like this forum which actually has activity and is not totally focused on the instructor's ego....
Looking forward to finally learning how to sing.
Thanks all
Looking forward to finally learning how to sing.
Thanks all
If you think there are a lot of posts on the forums just wait until you see the student area.
Having the course let's you sign up for the student areas and you can check out how much more there really is.
You can get the ball rolling by going here:
I love your avatar. Is that your pittie?
Yes, a little pitbull girl named 如意 ... it means "to be satisfied", "to find happiness", or "may your dreams come true"... pronounced roughly Zhui ... and she gives away free kisses to anyone who wants one...
This photo represents her best Jack Nicholson impression
Big appreciations
a warm Welcome also from Germany. I started singing at my 48th birthday 1 year+ ago. Good to have you here.