Greetings from Chicagoland

rnrhuntrnrhunt Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
Hi, I'm Rick and have been playing guitar for 32 years and figure its time to learn to sing! I really have no singing experience other then some easy harmony parts occasionally. Truth is I can't carry a tune in a bucket! Lol  I am hoping to change that with this course. I've got a clean slate to work with as I have never had any vocal training whatsoever... Wish me luck!


  • MichaelSMichaelS Pro Posts: 73

    Hi, Rick!

    Welcome to KTVA! You are at the right place. I have the same story - playing guitar for years and then start to singing, i mean -learn singing (of course, I sang songs to the accompaniment of a guitar). And i want to tell you - you already lucky enough cause you are you have found Ken from the first time. Here a lot of people who have tried different vocal lessons (not very useful), you do not have to spend time on the wrong system.  Ken`s system - KTVA method is based on the Belcanto, the correctness of which is confirmed by a couple of centuries vocal practice, so that it can not be wrong. In addition, when you start with a clean sheet, you have no bad habits that have to fix.

    So welcome on board again, good luck and good singing to you!

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    What has taken you so long to come here?  Well, we're glad you've finally come to your new singing home, KTVA!  Many of us are here after watching from the sidelines for years. 

    You can take this as far as you are willing to go and put in the work to get there!  This is the stuff that REAL singing is made of!  It's your decision as to how much work and effort you will put into this.

    It will take you all the way, if you are willing to tough it out!

    Welcome to KTVA!


  • rnrhuntrnrhunt Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
  • KenboKenbo Pro Posts: 26

    Hello fellow Chicago-lander!  YOU are going to dig this.  I grew tired of thinking I couldn't sing.  This program kicks and has proven me WRONG!!  Like you, a guitarist / song-writer for way too many years . .  .I was always looking for someone else to do the "real" singing.  Times-are-a-changin'!

    Enjoy the program Rick (no luck needed!!).  -KennyB


  • rnrhuntrnrhunt Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    Fancy meeting you here! Lol
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