I am a beginner at singing and wanted to know how to grow your chest voice? Thank you.

in Welcome
I watched one of Tamplin's videos and he said in order to grow your head voice I had to start with the chest so, here I am...:)
then I would suggest that you use the free Youtube videos Ken offers. They are amazing and your voice will definitely grow if you do the exercises on a regular base (i.e. 5-6 days/week for 1 hour).
Hear are some ideas:
Practice regularly,
We can't go into that kind of detail here, because first you have to learn all of the basic fundamental building blocks that are given, one-by-one in the course. The course has a lifetime worth of information in it. There are no shortcuts. Building the chest voice, even with all of the instructions in the course, can take at least several months, but more likely, has to happen over a period of years for most students.
The good news about that is that the sooner you get started working on all of these things, the sooner your voice develops into an instrument that can actually hit several notes higher than you ever thought would be possible for your voice. Using these techniques, your voice will continue to grow and grow, for years to come.
I m not sure i managed to get into the student area, could anyone lend me hand on this