New in forum; program since last Oct

Hey all.  Cool stuff in here.  Just want to say a quick "thanks" to KT and all of you that ask & answer Q's in here; great, informative feedback is all around this forum. 

I've been doing the program since late October (but only recently started looking through the forum); nearly done with Vol 2 and will soon be moving on to Vol 3.  I never thought I could sing, but wow, I can hardly believe the progress.  By doing the exercises almost daily, I find I keep checking something off and then focusing on the next thing. 

I just want to encourage everyone to follow through with the excellent plan that Ken has put together.  I remember how overwhelming it all was in the beginning; honestly, I thought, "no way!"  But I'm here to tell you, it works.  Keep at it, be patient, re-watch the videos, and focus on all you're doing.  If, like me , you are starting from scratch, there IS a lot to learn and it doesn't happen over night . . . so again, keep at it, be patient, re-watch, focus, and of course . . . ENJOY!  


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032
    edited January 2013


    Nice to hear from you, and you are right about so many things! It CAN all seem overwhelming, because there are so many things to keep going and keep adding to get closer to the full effect of TOTAL KTVA!!!

    But it's also a JOY to see ourselves progressing to areas we never knew existed.  There is so much to learn and so much to combine and coordinate, and we get to spend the rest of our singing lives getting better and better!

    The more I watch and review Ken's teaching videos and webinars, the more I pick up that I missed before!  How could there be that much to learn?  But it's there, waiting to be discovered and learned and worked into our routines. 

    It's 30 Years of Intense Learning, Research, and Discovery Packed into a much shorter playback time!!! Is it any wonder why it can take a couple of years or more to take all of this in and incorporate it all into our everyday singing habits?

    Nice to know you, Kenbo!


  • FarawayGuyFarawayGuy Pro Posts: 38
    Welcome @Kenbo and it's great and important to hear about positive personal experience!
  • KenboKenbo Pro Posts: 26
    @highmtn and @farawayguy, thank you both. Looking forward to continuing the journey.
  • rnrhuntrnrhunt Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    @Kenbo...glad I saw your post on FB! I too am starting from scratch...which I think is a good thing as I have no bad habits to overcome. I've been doing this about a week and as you said its seems overwhelming at first, but it does get clearer the more you do it and review the materials.

    Cheers.  KOR...(keep on rockin)
  • KenboKenbo Pro Posts: 26
    @rnrhunt, good deal on your 1st week! Something I did a few days ago, and I'd recommend, is to grab the last exercise from vol3 and add that to your vol1 workout (its the "ha ha ha" one KT demos on the vol1 vid). Right you are . . . KOR!
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