We Are the World (Collab Cover)

Hi everyone!
@blondiewales @Wigs @Mysti @DogMeat @cwcw @Diego @maximgottmer @doc_ramadani @Vocality @Klaus_T @highmtn and others (Hope I didn't miss anyone who participated).
For those who knew nothing of this collab, this was a mini project I suggested and I was fortunate to get almost a dozen people participating and contributing what they can for the success of it. The song is We Are the World which was a song released in 1985 for a charity group fighting against an African famine crisis. A lot of the messages of this song is still relevant now and, as singers, we felt this was a good song to sing to not only see how far we've come but also share some positive vibes. The singers here all have varied experiences in singing but we all love music equally.
This cover took a few months to put together but we finally have something to show for it. It was a lot of fun seeing it put together and most of the credit does go to @doc_ramadani who did bulk of the work. Of course, we mustn't forget the singers who put time and effort in making this possible. I do hope that we can have similar collabs in the future with new people joining us. Anyways, below is the finished cover. Hope you enjoy!
@blondiewales @Wigs @Mysti @DogMeat @cwcw @Diego @maximgottmer @doc_ramadani @Vocality @Klaus_T @highmtn and others (Hope I didn't miss anyone who participated).
For those who knew nothing of this collab, this was a mini project I suggested and I was fortunate to get almost a dozen people participating and contributing what they can for the success of it. The song is We Are the World which was a song released in 1985 for a charity group fighting against an African famine crisis. A lot of the messages of this song is still relevant now and, as singers, we felt this was a good song to sing to not only see how far we've come but also share some positive vibes. The singers here all have varied experiences in singing but we all love music equally.
This cover took a few months to put together but we finally have something to show for it. It was a lot of fun seeing it put together and most of the credit does go to @doc_ramadani who did bulk of the work. Of course, we mustn't forget the singers who put time and effort in making this possible. I do hope that we can have similar collabs in the future with new people joining us. Anyways, below is the finished cover. Hope you enjoy!

Wh should keep this encouriging spirit for out nice community. I am proud.
At the moment I still can't find time to follow you but, I promise, around the end of September I should be able to join you and partecipate to this funny game.
At the moment I always listen and follow your performaces.
You all had your unique ways of singing, and I really loved how great you all sounded singing together.
I think you all did a really nice job, especially on the harmonies. I look forward to the next collab!
All the best,
Kudos to all
Band Aid next!!!
PS.: And I am so happy that new people (like @samw2019, @QueenB119, @Raphael_Hussl, ...) are joining us.
Great job, everyone! Really, really cool!
Special thanks to @Rick_amateur for suggesting the song, and to @doc_ramadani for his producing and engineering.
never want to miss anything?
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I'm actually setup as you describe, but with limited time to be on the forums, I often just quickly view my notifications. So I was surprised that I somehow missed this notification - because I was tagged.
A special thank you to both @Rick_amateur for executing on this collab idea and putting the video together, and to @doc_ramadani for mixing all our sound clips together and making us sound like we were singing together. Also, shout out to @doc_ramadani for the heads up.