Can't Change Me - Chris Cornell Cover.

@highmtn @doc_ramadani @HuduVudu @victortang @Vocality @Klaus_T @Sophia @Gaston_Jauregui @Furious_Phil @blondiewales @juanmarivley @Wigs @Michael4000 @LoneWolfRogue @iking @DevonMoore @cwcw @tinaalcorace @Ken Tamplin @Giraffy @Spyk @DogMeat @Moviefan2k4 @Claude77 @andrew_walker @Mysti @bentk @dvarovic @ChrisLjung
I did another Chris Cornell song.
Hope you like it! I'm practicing more Chest.
I did another Chris Cornell song.
Hope you like it! I'm practicing more Chest.
very nice job. I like that you are working on the mellow side of your chest voice, too. Your vocals could have been 3 to 6 dB louder in the mix. They are a little bit burried.
Hi Diego,
great cover, I already saw some of the other covers you were posting sometimes and it's always amazing to see how easily you can adapt your voice to any style you want to sing in. I agree with Doc that at some points your vocals could maybe be a little more in the mix, it seems as sometimes the volume is a little uneven, maybe a little stronger compression (the plug-in effect, not the one from the voice itself) could make it sound a little rounder. But overall, very great technical and musical ability, vocal range and playing with different sound textures.
Greetings, Raphael
I just googled it, I never used it, and it might not work as I hope it does, but just since your fans always seem to request more even levels
And yes, I do have some unfinished original material. You'll have to wait for that one hehe
I love experimenting with different styles. I work a lot to reach my goal of singing everything I want, when I want and how I want. I really want to feel ready before I try to reach mainstream music. Fortune favors the bold.