Hello there, I'm Warner

Hi guys, after a long period of time downloading these files finally I'm about to start this program. I've been always want to sing for years but don't know how to, with lack of every aspects I guess. Should I quit smoking? Not a heavy smoker but I can feel phlegm in my throat sometimes. I'm more into the Rock/Metal genre and I know it is a long journey for me, but I'm in!
I would definitely say quit smoking if you want a consistent voice. It can ruin your whole singing experience making it so much harder.
I've only been singing for about a year and a half and on the course for a year, it has gotten me way futher than I thought I could go and I can see it will continue to do so.
So dive in and have fun and get ready to meet the gang.
Follow the instructions here to get your student access.
Welcome course good luck with giving up smoking your voice will benefit if you manage, Ken mentions in one of the starting videos singing is a physical sport and treat it that way. Get some exercise and eat healthy etc.
It’s not easy giving up habits so gradual adjustments in life style may help more.
a warm Welcome also from Germany.
Hi sam I am into those gothic rock scene but also 80's rock/heavy metal. Like W.A.S.P, DIO and Twisted Sister
Hi Maxim I'm from China thanks for your greeting and its great to be here
Thanks a lot Doc, and saying hello to you from China
Hello Vocality, I agree with your advice of gradually cutting down bad habits for singing. Also eat healthy, haha I'll take note on that thanks mate.
Hi there thanks for sharing your own experiences and I know that it's a life-time journey. Hope everything goes well for you and me.
Hi Diego thanks for telling and I am taking your advice seriously.
Thank you so much. I'm done with cigarettes for real and I'll give all my best to my metal health. I just started working on diaphragmatic support but felt not too much air I was able to inhale and lack of strength on abdomen when exhale. I'm a skinny tall guy don't know if that's one of the reason besides cigarettes.
The forum is always here if you need any help with the program. Take your time with it, and focus on quality workouts. re-watch the videos from Ken and listen carefully. Those are just a few tips from my own experience.
Yeah, you should quit smoking for many reasons. As for singing, it will only make your singing journey harder. It won't be easy to stop i imagine, but it sure is worth it!
See you around on the forum.
All the best,