Hi from Sydney, Australia

Hi everyone I trained in classical piano as a kid but I'm new to singing. I have tried some other programs but haven't been getting the results that I want. I have been practicing six days a week for the last few months and have been keeping a journal but sometimes I do exercises without really knowing why and I've never seen an instructor sing like Ken. Last night I saw Ken's video of Jason Mraz's I Won't Give Up and after that I couldn't get to sleep. I knew that THAT is the kind of technique I want to have and it's an appropriate song title as well because I won't be giving up :-) I feel like I have made some progress since I started but I'm hoping that by dedicating myself to Ken's teachings I'm really going to be able to take my voice to the next level. Here is a reference song which is a fair representation of where I am at the moment
Welcome to KTVA, and thanks for your post. Pay very strict attention to Ken's instructional videos and do the audio workouts faithfully! You will have to build a lot of musculature and it will take time, effort, and energy, but you're here for the long haul!
Dig in and do it! These exercises will build your voice and your tone. Make it a point to learn and exercise every way that you can to build your support. We all need massive support in order to be able to move closer in strength and tone to Ken's example.
Don't Give UP!!! It will take a lot of work, but it's worth every second of effort you put in!
You are beginning a journey that will last you the rest of your singing life. You will continue to improve as long as you continue working the KTVA methods.
Ask for help anytime you need it!