
Hi I'm from the SS and SLS crowd, I'll keep it short it short. I wasted most most of my time and money with them, They only thing they set me up for was removing vocal tension that's it. I'm 19 and I am a performer. I posted something on the brett manning forum about seth riggs book, then this member recommended me Ken Tamplin vocal program, I bought the program instantly after looking after reviews, I love it. After 2 days I can sing well, or at least to me. I was so scared of support, open throat, tongue stuff because they told me it would wreck my voice even though their program bring me no progress, but all these things grow my voice. Can you say no more tension on the neck. It's amazing. So really the only thing I took from them was to just remember to warm up speech level and not all loud and crazy, but just normal and relaxed as possible and I do this with Mr. Tamplins program VOLUME 1 and it helps me warm up faster without feeling like I sung a whole bunch of songs you know. I'm here to stay, I love it. I'm curious, I can't find nowhere to become enrolled status. Can someone please help me with that, so I can read the other parts of the forum. I'ma spend a month on volume 1, then buy volume 2. I am super curious about this whole glottal compression stuff because I want to figure out Ken's way of getting louder because I remember to leave everything at the door, so when I get loud It hurts my voice so that's why I need the enrolled status. Thank you. 

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Please put in the heading/title "Forum Status change to Enrolled".
This should get you changed over soon.
Welcome to KTVA. You will find that many of the people here wasted lots of money on sls and ss, as well as many other vocal methods. Now we're happy as clams at high tide at KTVA. No more wasted time and money, only steady gains and growth.
Nice to have you here. Make yourself at home, and stay a while, like for the rest of your singing life!
You're going to like what this does for your voice, over the next several years!