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Singing too forcefully?

Hi all!

I have an ongoing battle in myself as to whether I'm singing too soft or too loud. I go back and forth from performance to performance, really going for it and then holding back.

I would say this is sort of middle ground, but I have a history of shouting when singing.

Would you say this video is me being too loud? This is kinda the "middle ground" for me, which is why I picked this one to see which way I should go.

Any and all comments appreciated!



  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    edited October 2019
    Welcome to the forums man! @Adamba17

    I don't think you're loud at all man. Maybe on some higher notes 1:33 (on "what") could've been a little softer and controlled. The course gives you a lot of control over your volume and other things!

    I actually like this intensity for this song. Try doing and uploading a much softer song to really see how much control you have over volume.

    I really like your voice! It sounds very fluid with the melody.
    I like your emotion as well, you really feel it and that's really important.

    Good job man!

    Edit: I also like your headvoice!
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    I agree with @Diego If you hadn't asked about your volume I would have said that was a good cover. Have others mentioned your volume to you or are you just a bit unsure? I'm no performer but I know of many that have problems with the band being too loud and they have to compensate by raising their voice.
    Sometimes it can be a choice as well, I can imagine you singing that song much softer and also getting chestier with it as well depending on the feel and kind of delivery you want.
  • Adamba17Adamba17 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks both for your comments.

    I have been told I'm shouting before and I've kinda heard myself doing it when watching video back, such as this one below. I was probably drunk at the time but I cringe watching it back:


    I did this cover recently where I tried to sing soft. Problem is I think it's TOO soft and my voice sounds breaking and weak. So maybe I should stick to the kind of intensity in the first post?

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Adamba17,

    Problem is I think it's TOO soft and my voice sounds breaking and weak. So maybe I should stick to the kind of intensity in the first post?

    I think you should WORK on that. For a lot of male singers (especially myself) that takes a lot of control. If you want to learn it you really should consider the course. It is amazing.

  • Adamba17Adamba17 Member Posts: 4
    Hi doc, thanks for commenting.
    Yeah, I'm planning to do so when I get paid. I just wondered if I could get some advice in the meantime!
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    I think you should keep practicing both ways, the softer one sounded like you just need to get more control over it. Check out Ken's video on diaphragmatic support. If you can get both styles to work, your singing will be much more versatile. Working on what is harder for you, will give the most benefit.
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